More Misogyny--Conscious Style?

Oh my goodness, Sisters, when, oh, when will we learn?  Some of these butt-hurt men just will not stop it, even in the face of compelling evidence and proof of poor behavior by some of our so-called 'leaders.'

Care for me to explain?  Alright, I'll be happy to.

Have any of you ever heard of the Obsidian Network?  If you haven't, perhaps you are better off. Anyways, the Obsidian Network claims to be the 'voice of the everyday brother.'


So I posted the link for my blog in the comment section of one of his videos, called Holding Maria Lloyd Accountable.  In this video, Obsidian is asking why Maria Lloyd isn't calling out Shaun King, then of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement for alleged impropriety regarding money, since she was questioning what Umar Johnson was doing with the donation money.

These are not equivalent arguments. BLM is funded, as I understand it, by a gentleman named George Soros.  George Soros, according to the article from the Washington Post, gave BLM about $33 million dollars.  He did not use crowdfunding, since, as I understand it, George Soros is quite well-to-do.

Umar Johnson, on the other hand, got money from regular folks, using PayPal and GoFundMe, for the creation of a school--a school that has yet to come to fruition.

I listened to the Obsidian Network's video on 'holding Maria Lloyd' accountable'.  The video, from the Obsidian Network is about a year old.  And it has been about a year since Maria Lloyd made her video. He has also made videos about Ms. Deborrah Cooper on her critiques of Umar Johnson. I have yet to see a video from the Obsidian Network asking to hold Umar Johnson accountable.

Anyhow, I posted a link under the video.  Imagine my surprise when I was invited to do an interview.

I pointed out that it has been one year since Ms. Lloyd made her video and folks still don't know where the donation money is.  This seemed to make Obsidian even more eager to have me.

After I thought about it, I laid out my terms.  There are below:

He refused, saying that he is talking to me and not Ms. Lloyd or Ms. Cooper.  See below:

So when I questioned his motivation for dragging Maria Lloyd for encouraging donors to FDMG to to ask questions of Umar Johnson and dragging Deborrah Cooper for questioning Umar's credentials and the viability of his proposed school, here was Obsidian's response:

So, it seems that Obsidian simply refuses to acknowledge that both Ms. Cooper and Ms. Lloyd have valid points related to Umar Johnson, his questionable credentials, and his refusal to answer questions about his proposed school and the donation money.

But he has one more thing to add:

Note that, at this point, he still wants to interview trueblackanonymous.

I respond with the following:

Obsidian is not willing to concede that both Ms. Cooper and Ms. Lloyd have valid points in regards to Umar Johnson, his proposed school, his unwillingness to prove his credentials (especially since he has been caught in a lie more than once), and his lack of accountability with regard to the donation money.  Now, according to Obsidian, I have nothing more than wild eyed speculation and that there is nothing more than rumor and speculation on Umar and his activities.

Yet, he wants me to call into his show!  HAHA!

Why would I call into his show, when he has made it clear that he has issues with Black women, namely Deborrah Cooper, Maria Lloyd, and now, it seems, yours truly.  But he seemingly has no issue with Umar Johnson, who is the one who is doing the questionable activities, refuses to account for the donation money, and has been previously caught up in lies.

I can only conclude a couple of things:
  1. Obsidian is an Umar functionary
  2. Obsidian is an Umar apologist
  3. Obsidian is one of these limp-wristed, ego-driven, butt-hurt men who can't handle a woman who questions.
  4. All of the above.

Neither option is a good look, Friend.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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