So Typical...

Oh my goodness, Umar, I wish this were true.  If you were handling yours, you would:

1.  List your educational credentials on your website(s)
2.  Stop claiming you are related to the Bailey/Douglass family
3.  Give an account of what you are doing with the donation money.

By the way, I'm with Ree Haley...

But, anyway, you haven't done these things.  And I grant you, you may well have done some good things for the people, but why haven't you posted these testimonials on your website, instead of Facebook, with the names of the people who are giving them?  I'm sure they wouldn't mind allowing you to do this, since you gave them all this great "help."  Could it be that the "person" who wrote this doesn't exist?  How would anyone know that for sure based on a FB post?

I ask what is the real value of good deeds if the foundation of them is based on lies?

And why would you post a picture underneath this "testimonial" with an artist's rendering of yourself with Marcus Garvey and Frederick Douglass, the same Frederick Douglass to whom you are not related?

Because it's all about you and how wonderful you are, right?

(Sorry, y'all but I couldn't resist posting this gem again).

You have created for yourself a 'system' in which you are not accountable to anyone.  This is dangerous.  Everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE, has to be obligated to someone or something. That is, everyone except you, Umar?

That makes no sense.  This is why you think....

However we shouldn't be surprised at this at all, since avoiding responsibility is a quintessential narcissist trait.

Great job, Umar.  This is a wonderful effort at confusing the issues but not answering any questions.

So typical of you...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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