More of the Emotional Negro...

Good Lord, Umar, I don't even know what to say to this.  You actually start this video sounding like a reasonable person.

Congratulations!  There is hope!

It was nice of you to say that the proceeds from your merchandise sales fund your other efforts.  The only thing I would say is that if you would have said that in the beginning, had a team with you, shown documentation to that effect to your donors and not acted a fool anytime someone asked you a question, I would have given you a handshake and a pat on the back.

If you are really doing all of these things, why not tell people who is on your team, because, even "psychologists" who fancy themselves as superheroes need help with all of that activity.  After all, even Superman had the Justice League.

But I digress.

But then you went back to your ol' self.  At this point, I don't think you can help it.  The video, from about 3 minutes and 39 seconds until the end has you talking about the "dusty, hotep Negros" who are supposedly trying to stop you from doing whatever it is you are doing.

Between me and you, Umar, I don't believe any Negros, including the including "dusty, hotep" ones. are trying to stop anything.

It is Black people who want you to be accountable for your actions and behaviors.  This, from what I can see, continues to be an issue with you.

Speaking of behaviors, you end this vignette by claiming that:

"Nat Turner is ready to speak through me."
"Frederick Douglass is ready to speak through me."
"Marcus Garvey is ready to speak through me."
"Harriet Tubman is ready to speak through me."
"Denmark Vesey is ready to speak through me."
"I'm the one.  I got this.  I'm the boss."

Really Umar?  Damnitall to hell!

Just when I thought there was some light at the end of the tunnel with you, you throw me back into the darkness of your out of control narcissism by continually prattling on about haters and the "titles" that you say you hold....

Just listen...

You come of as arrogant, angry, bitter, hateful, childish, and, I'm sorry to say, somewhat delusional. 

Do you need a hug?

Because, Umar, this is not attractive.

Seriously.  This is not a good look for you, not at all.  This is NOT, I repeat, NOT the behavior of a scholar.

You know people can see you, right?

Think about it.  After seeing this ridiculous display, why would any parent in their right mind want to send their child to you for a bus trip, a school, or any activity?  Any parent with half a brain would wonder what behavior you would be modeling for their child.

The thing is, Umar, no one is hating on you, by asking legitimate questions, wanting proof of what YOU put out to the public and desiring clarity on the donation money, in writing.  And if you think that wanting those things from you represents 'hatred,' then you either have a lot to hide or a lot to learn, or both.  That is actually very sad.


I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  At least now you are saying you are the 'new' Frederick Douglass, rather than saying you are related to him..

But wait...

...a few weeks ago, you were the new Marcus Garvey.

Dude, make up your mind what "new" Black leader you are, because you are confusing me.

I see we got some work to do, Friend.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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