Damn, Umar, you are one EMOTIONAL Negro.

This is not a good trait in a man who calls himself  a "leader."

Leaders are supposed to keep their wits intact, be able to address real issues and not have a problem answering valid questions.

But not you, Umar.

You get all up in your feelings, scream, jump up and down, all to avoid responding to direct questions.

That is not an attractive quality in a man or in a so-called leader.

Exhibit A

When you were having differences with Sa Neter, the holleration was on...

Exhibit B

When you had a difference with Boyce Watkins over Maria Lloyd's video, the HAM-trosity got underway.  What a great example for the young men you claim you want to lead.

Exhibit C

When Polight made a video about you, the 'Conscious Stripper' and what's going on with the donation money, you fall right into your hysterics, and yet you don't explain what happened to your...oops, I mean, the people's money.

Exhibit D

When you had an interview with Cynthia A Johnson, from Detroit, who asked you under which name she can find your credentials (if you have them), you go on a rant, when you could have simply answered Ms. Johnson's question, unless, of course, the answer would show you to be a liar.

Exhibit E

You called Vlad a 'fuck boy' when you didn't like how he, or someone who works for him, titled video clips.  But you said those things.  And besides, you didn't research Vlad before you went on his program?

OH!  I forgot!  Research is something folks who get master's degrees and doctorates do. So perhaps, the concept is not familiar to you.  OOPS!  My bad.

Exhibit F

When Doggie Diamonds said something about you going on Vlad TV, after talking about the white media, and things didn't that you should have been upset with Vlad, given what you've preached about the Lying Media.

So, should you have been really surprised when a white-run medium doesn't behave the way you think it should?  But instead, you went around the bend when Doggie Diamonds pointed that out...

Dude, are you a grown man or what?

Exhibit G

And then, when I re-tweeted someone who asked you about the returning the donation money for the still non-existent school, your sensitive, over-emotional ass blocked me...

Although I certainly cannot speak for Sa Neter, Dr. Boyce, Polight, Ms. Johnson, Vlad or Doggie Diamonds (none of whom I have met), or anyone else you've had hissy fits with or blocked, I will say that I'm not mad.  I consider it a badge of honor.  Being blocked by you puts me in a great club of people who actually thinks for self and asks questions.  Indeed, I consider myself in very good company.  So, thank you.

No, really, I truly thank you.

Blocking me, or anyone else, only shows that you have no real answer to the questions you have been asked.  It proves that the answer will make you look bad and possibly incriminate you.  So you don't want the real answer to come out.   Therefore, you don't answer questions.  You block.  You deflect.   You name-call.  You meme.  You conceal.  You damn near catch the vapors.

You prove my point.

But damn, Dude, seriously, get a grip on your emotions.  I'm just saying that having conniption fits like a 'tween 'mean girl' isn't a good look on a grown-ass man, let alone a man who is supposedly a scholar.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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