A Master Manipulator...

We know as African people, have a strong sense of collectivism.  This sense of collectivism is enhanced because those of us who are descended from enslaved Africans share a collective trauma.  In a real sense, we all suffer, in varying degrees, from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, as best as I can describe it, is a collection of behaviors descendants of enslaved Africans engaged in that are adaptive, and not our real culture.

One of these adaptive behaviors, based on our sense of collectivism, is that we tend to ride with whatever other Black people say and do, even when it doesn't make real sense.

Enter Umar--the master manipulator...

Umar knows that African people, especially those of us who are descendants of enslaved Africans, suffer from a collective trauma.  He knows we have love, concern and care for our children.  He knows we are susceptible to messages around lifting black people out of oppression.

Umar is a master manipulator, a pimp, if you will.  He is manipulating the people, their hopes for their children, and truthfully, pimping the people's aspirations to be free in exchange for some feel-good messages and money--just like the church that some complain about so much.

True Healing

Dr. Maria Yellow Horse Braveheart, a Native person whose people have also suffered collective trauma, suggests that the following steps need to be taken in order to heal:
  • Confront
  • Understand
  • Release the pain
  • Transcend

Healing ourselves from our collective trauma takes work, lots of work.  I don't think we have begun to do the work.

I'm convinced that our healing requires a lot of love.  I'm paraphrasing a gentleman who says we have to learn to love ourselves beyond how much we've learned to hate ourselves.


Let us begin to love ourselves by using our God-given brain and good sense.  Ask yourself if donating your hard-earned money to a man with who claims he wants to build a school who has:
  • no track record
  • no team
  • no definitive plans
  • questionable funding methods
  • no real proof of his claims
  • who has been caught in lies
  • who has displayed poor character
What is the benefit of such a "leader?" Where is the love in that?  Where is the healing?

No love or healing can be found with Umar, his lies, his manipulative and narcissistic ways.

Be the healing you seek.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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