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Which campaigns are covered by the GoFundMe Guarantee?

The GoFundMe Guarantee covers campaigns in the US and Canada started after October 3, 2016 with an American or Canadian recipient of the funds.

Which donors are covered by the GoFundMe Guarantee?

The GoFundMe Guarantee covers any donor who gives to a campaign as described above.

Why do you have the GoFundMe Guarantee?

GoFundMe mission is to empowers people to help people.  We want to make sure that our community feels secure during every step of the giving experience so more people can get help.  The GoFundMe Guarantee is here to protect donors and beneficiaries (the intended recipient of the campaign funds) in the very rare instances of misuse.

What do you mean by misuse?

Any of these actions are considered misuse of GoFundMe:

  • The campaign organizer doesn't deliver funds to the intended beneficiary.
  • The campaign description is intentionally misleading to donors.
  • The campaign organizer or beneficiary is charged with a crime related to misrepresentation made in their campaign

What if I donated to a campaign that I think has misuse?

If GoFundMe investigates the campaign and confirms that there has been misuse, then we will refund your donation up to $1,000 per campaign.

What is not covered by the guarantee?

These situations do not qualify for a refund under the GoFundMe Guarantee.  Please see our Guarantee Policy for full details.

  • A refund if a donation to your campaign
  • Regretting the donation
  • Refunds for offline donations
  • A personal disagreement with the campaign organizer or beneficiary

What if I'm the beneficiary of a campaign that has misuse?

If you are the intended beneficiary of a campaign and the campaign organizer fails to deliver the funds raised on your behalf, then GoFundMe will contribute the undelivered balance of funds, up to $25,000.

If I'm a beneficiary, are there times GoFundMe would not give me undelivered funds?

Yes, there are some important exceptions, including:

  • Not receiving funds due to garnishment or other legal order
  • A decision by GoFundMe to designate a different person as the beneficiary
  • Disagreement over his you'll receive funds (for example, a trust instead of direct deposit)
  • Instances where you didn't pay for what the campaign was intended to reimburse
  • Your written authorization to GoFundMe and our payment partners to allow someone else to withdraw funds on your behalf

What's required to submit a claim under the GoFundMe Guarantee?

  • You had no role in the misuse
  • You contacted the campaign organizer and gave them 72 hours to resolve the issue
  • You fully complete the claim for and all requests for further information
  • You agree to cooperate with any investigation by GoFundMe or a law enforcement agency
  • You agree to notify GoFundMe if you receive any funds and fully cooperate with any recovery effort by GoFundMe
  • If you're a donor, you must submit the claim withing 30 days of the donation and must not file a chargeback
  • If you're a beneficiary, you must submit a claim within 60 days of the campaign's creation and in most cases you must report the misuse to law enforcement

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