Where are the Real Men?

Yes, that's right.  I'm calling the men of the so-called 'conscious community' to task.  And I'm calling you to task on these questions listed below:

Why on earth are you so-called men, who proclaim to the the protectors of the women and children in the community, letting Umar Johnson run rampant, collecting money and not being accountable for the money or his behavior?

Why on earth aren't you calling Umar on his bullshit?

Who or what is stopping you from manning up?

When Umar got caught lying about being celibate, your response was...

From:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_HcvRHWnT8

Where is your regard for the Black woman?

When Umar cannot give definitive proof of who he is, you either are silent, try to justify it, or you join in on the name-calling.

From:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih6R1Ki8voM

Where is your integrity?

When Umar doesn't want to answer questions about the donation money, you continue to justify his behavior.

Where are your principles?

Damnitall, I'm going to just ask.  Where the hell are your balls?

Why are you leaving it to the women to do this?

All I am saying is that the same so-called men who cry and moan about women not respecting them are often the same so-called men who will not MAN UP when it counts.

And here is an instance in which it counts.

From:  http://www.thecoli.com/threads/is-umar-johnson-a-public-school-principal.301804/page-2

So, now my question is:  can we count on you?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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