Amy Euphemia Jacques-Garvey

Amy Euphemia Jacques-Garvey (1896-1973), a Black feminist and liberation movement leader, and wife of Marcus Garvey wrote in 1923:
Be not discouraged, Black women of the world, but push forward, regardless of the lack of appreciation shown you.  A race must be saved, a country redeemed, and unless you strengthen the leadership of vacillating Black men (emphasis added), we will remain marking time until we will be forced to subserviency or extermination.

Mrs. Jacques-Garvey also said:
The black woman is determined not to be the private property and pawn of any man.  She is tired of being an object for gratification, exploitation, manipulation, or assault.

In 1925, Mrs. Jacques-Garvey said:
We are becoming so impatient that we are getting in the front ranks, and serve notice on the world that we will brush aside the halting, cowardly Negro men, and with prayer on our lips and arms prepared for any fray, we will press on and on until victory is over.

 She also said:
The doll-baby type of woman is a thing of the past, and the wide-awake woman is forging ahead prepared for all emergencies, and ready to answer any call, even if it be to face the cannons on the battlefield.

Would Umar call Amy Euphemia Jacques-Garvey a "feminazi"?

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