It Just Doesn't Stop...

Christmas wreaths in August?
You know, the things that one can learn by being on the Internet is astounding.  Just astounding.

So I went back to the video posted on the Black Rulership You Tube channel, dated August 27, 2017 and looked more carefully.

My goodness!  How on earth did I miss these things?

Remember, this video, dated August 26, 2017 show a school property in Baltimore, MD, that Umar Johnson behaved as if it was for sale.  And of course, he was soliciting donations.

I notice a few things:

  • There was not a for sale sign featured in this video, which led me to question if the property was really available for purchase
  • There are Christmas wreaths, or ribbons on the doors...allegedly in August
  • The property appears to be well-kept, like someone is maintaining it.  Could this be the case because it IS actually being maintained by the current owner(s) / occupant(s)?  
  • At about the 4 minute and 17 second mark, Umar tells Jacksonville, FL, that he's "got that doctorate now."  Oh?  Interesting...

Underneath this video, someone who calls herself (I'm going to assume it is a female) gold girl, stated:

That building is owned and operated by someone else. This is not how it's done folks. Lurking outside of random buildings (sic) in different cities does not equate to building a "school". This man is insane.
Yes, I concur.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. There are a few channels that continue to post old videos from Umar for some reason.

    1. Ash TV
    2. RV Documentaries
    3. Black Rulership
    4. J Star Documentaries
    5. Umar Johnson Fan Club
    6. Polotician Sings
    7. Umar Johnson
    8. MoorInfo

    I don't know if these are all Umar, or other people trying to monetize the videos to make a couple bucks, or if they are trying to bury disparaging videos about Umar from Any Afro Svengalis and others.

  2. When are we, as a people, going to decide that enough is enough of this nonsense? Good grief!


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