Did Umar Johnson Lie to Get Booked?

From:  http://www.trinitycathedralnj.org/
Umar Johnson has advertised his lecture at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton, NJ.  If one goes onto the website for Trinity Cathedral, in Trenton, NJ, the first thing you notice is the mixed race, multicultural membership.

Remember, Umar is not a fan of multiculturalism.

The second thing you might notice about Trinity Cathedral, in Trenton, NJ is that is also affiliated with a school.  Yes, a school for children called Trinity Cathedral Academy.

Now, how is it that Umar thought it was good judgment to use the following as an advertisement for a speaking engagement at a CHURCH which also contains a school for children?

Now, take the picture in.  REALLY take it in.  Does this advertisement seem appropriate for an event at a church, in your opinion?

Doesn't this advertisement look like an advertisement for a movie called "The Devil Wears Prada"?

Hmm.....copyright laws, anyone?  But anyway...

Do you think that Umar told this (multi-ethic, multicultural) church, or the person who booked the event at this church, that he was going to talk about white supremacy?

Or did he lie to the church and say he was going to talk about education?

What happened to having respect for houses of worship, even if a particular house of worship isn't of the faith you were raised in or believe?

For instance, I have been to a mosque before.  Although I am not Muslim, I went to the mosque because I was invited to the mosque by a dear friend.  I went and I followed the instructions I was given by my friend and the greeters, up to and including my style of dress and covering my head with a scarf, because that was was appropriate attire for a woman in a mosque.


Because I have RESPECT for their house of worship.

Does Umar have respect for houses of worship?

Inquiring minds would LOVE to know...

Please, good people with good sense, contact Trinity Cathedral and let them know what, exactly is happening with Umar Jobnson and encourage the church to not have Umar Johnson speak at their church.

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
801 W. State Street
Trenton, NJ 08618

Main telephone: (609) 392-3805
Fax: (609) 392-2305


The Very Reverend René Rory John - DeanJohn@TrinityCathedral.comcastbiz.net
The Reverend Carol B. Gilbert - cbgilbert1@comcast.net
The Reverend Christopher Cox - christopherecox@aol.com


Umar Johnson has been banned from Trinity Cathedral!  Good work, People!

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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