Can't Be "Most Requested" When You Invite Yourself...

Sisters and Brothers, Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have definitive proof that Umar Johnson's "Most Requested Scholar" claim is a bunch of, and pardon my words here, but I think they fit, so I'm going to say it.


Flag on the play, Umar Johnon, if that's even your real name.

Umar Johnson is to speak at Johnson C. Smith University in North Carolina on December 28, 2017.  And for all the bragging and carrying on Umar Johnson has done about being "most requested" and "number one,"  According to Fox 46 News in Charlotte, North Carolina, Johnson C. Smith University says that Dr. Umar Johnson's organization is renting a facility.

The emphasis is my own.

So nodamnedbody at Johnson C. Smith University "requested" Umar Johnson.  If someone at Johnson C. Smith University requested him to come and speak, Umar Johnson would not be renting a facility.  A facility would have been provided for him, in addition to other things like, perhaps, meals, hotel room or other accommodations, and a speaker fee.

So much for "most requested."

Shoot, if I had money to rent a room at Johnson C. Smith University, or anywhere else, for an event, I could.  That sure as heck doesn't mean I was "requested."

And another thing:  How is it that Umar has an "organization"?  Who is he paying to work for him? Where is the money coming from to rent a facility when he owes child support and has tax liens?

This also further proves that Umar Johnson is not a psychologist, therapist, clinical psychologist, or anything else he's claimed.  Mental health providers advocate for life, not death, and certainly wouldn't be caught advocating for someone to shoot police (whether one likes police or not).

Please read the statement below from Johnson C. Smith University:
"We require that his organization, like any other that seeks the services of the university, adheres to the rules outlining safety and security. To be clear, no faculty, staff, or student group invited this speaker to our campus, nor do we enforce his statements and political stance."
I suppose he can't advocate shooting police, as he did in the video below.

Well, damnitalltobluebloodyhell, what's REALLY going on?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Nobody's requesting blubber gut for anything.


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