A KNOWN Liar...
Why on earth would Roland Martin invite Umar Johnson on his show when Umar Johnson was proven to be a liar on the Roland Martin show, on the Empowerment Network Radio program? Remember, it was Umar, acting as a replacement host, on May 16, 2015, in which he lied to the world about being celibate. All of the behavior described above is telling about Umar Johnson's character because it was a completely unnecessary lie to tell Umar also used Roland Martin's platform to advertise his speaking engagements, solicit donations the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey International RBG Academy , solicit resumes for said school, advocate for polygamy, name-call folks (including calling someone 'my ADHD brother' as an insult (yet he claims to be a psychologist who supposedly work with children diagnosed with ADHD), and trifling (one of Umar's favorite insults), and call out for membership to his National Independent Black Parent Association . My questions to Roland Ma