
Showing posts from July, 2017

A KNOWN Liar...

Why on earth would Roland Martin invite Umar Johnson on his show when Umar Johnson was proven to be a liar on the Roland Martin show, on the Empowerment Network Radio program? Remember, it was Umar, acting as a replacement host, on May 16, 2015, in which he lied to the world about being celibate.  All of the behavior described above is telling about Umar Johnson's character because it was a completely  unnecessary lie  to tell Umar also used Roland Martin's platform to advertise his speaking engagements, solicit donations the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey International RBG Academy , solicit resumes for said school, advocate for polygamy, name-call folks (including calling someone 'my ADHD brother' as an insult (yet he claims to be a psychologist who supposedly work with children diagnosed with ADHD), and trifling (one of Umar's favorite insults), and call out for membership to his National Independent Black Parent Association . My questions to Roland Ma


Of course , Umar Johnson had to speak about the so-called ambush of TVOne, courtesy of Roland Martin and friends.  Umar's theory is the following: "TVOne wanted the ratings...." Then Umar goes on to say that Roland Martin has a personal issue with him and wanted to humiliate him on national television. "Roland is boule ," Umar says. Someone in the audience asked Umar about the open letter that Tarence Bailey wrote to Roland Martin, Charlemagne the God, and other brothers and sisters in the media.  Umar took the opportunity to disparage his so-called family members. "One of Frederick's grandchildren married one of Booker T's (Booker T. Washington), so there's a Frederick-Booker connect.   This Negro claims to be from that but he looks like he's a damned Mexican.  He doesn't even look Black." I'm going to assume that "this Negro" is Kenneth B. Morris.  Further, there is so much that is wrong with that quote!

Umar Johnnson's International Foolery

Now, my good African people, all over the world, please pay attention because Umar's foolery has no known border of any kind, neither behaviorally nor geographically. I know this because I had the fortune of chatting with a gentleman from the United Kingdom, by way of Ghana, named Emmanuel Amevor. Mr. Amevor has had a history with Umar Johnson, starting in about 2008 or 2009 when he used to run an arts and cultural center in London.   A young lady rented a hall in the cultural center for an event involving Anthony Browder and Umar Johnson. Subsequently, a group invited Umar Johnson to speak and the group rented one of the halls in the cultural center for that event.  Umar was promoting his book at that time. Mr. Amevor said, to yours truly, "Well, he (Umar) gave a good talk as usual.  As you know, Umar talks a good talk.  He's got the gift of the gab." Mr. Amevor hosted him again. At this point, Umar was raising funds in the United Kingdom for the school.  

St. Paul's College Still for Sale?

Well, well, well, what have we here? Your girl, TrueBlackAnonymous, has it on good authority that St. Paul's College is still for sale.  Yes, indeed! Actually, it didn't take much to find out that the property is still for sale, once I got a heads-up from my source.  See below. From: found on 7/22/2017 But, wait a minute!  Wasn't Umar Johnson on the Roland Martin show telling people that the property was sold? Umar says, when Roland Martin asked him about the status of the school project and St. Paul's College, the following: “Well, St. Paul’s has been sold.  Approximately 3 to 5 months ago (between February and April of 2017), I was told by the auction company in charge of the sale that it was sold to a developer."  Start at about at about 10 minutes and 40 seconds to about 10 minutes and 53 seconds Does Umar actually think that folks can't go online, do some research and find out what's going on?  He reall


Standing at the US Capitol Building FROM TARENCE BAILEY SR. ON BEHALF OF THE BAILEY FAMILY ELDERS Thursday, July 20, 2017 Brother Roland, Charlamagne, and to Others Whom This May Concern, This letter comes to you on the approval and affirmation of the elders in the Bailey family. I am Tarence Bailey Sr., United States Army Combat Veteran, and verified descendant of Perry Bailey, first born son of Harriet Bailey, the mother of Frederick Douglass. Roland, first and foremost, I want to thank you, on behalf of my family, and especially the elders of my family, for questioning the donation money collected, the fraudulent lineage, and the counterproductive rhetoric of Umar Johnson on your NewsOne show. While I thank you for offering critical questions of him, I would also caution you, Charlamagne, and others about giving Umar a platform for his hate-based rants and fraudulence. His actions and rhetoric are counterproductive to the honorable struggles of African Ameri

It Doesn't Pass the Smell Test...

Well, now, I really am not sure what to say here.  I need to take a moment.... It seems that a gentleman by the name of Michael Harriot who writes for the Root found verification of Umar Johnson's doctor of psychology degree . That's very nice and it seems to put a tidy wrapping and bow on things regarding the legitimacy of Umar Johnson's degree, doesn't it? Well, at least it sure looks that way. No disrespect is intended toward Michael Harriot or the Root .  But you know...that verification raised more questions in my know, kicked off my spidey senses if you will.  I have some questions. Question One If it were so easy for Michael Harriot to find legitimate proof of Umar Johnson's degree, then why didn't Umar do this himself a long time ago? If Umar had done this himself and showed proof on his website(s) or on a video, then there wouldn't be any questions about his legitimacy.  That would have shut everyone up.  But he didn'

Narcissism and Ideology -- Johnson and Trump

Well, well, well, my good people!  I want to welcome to the era of the Narcissistic Ideologue Leadership.  Yeah, I came up with that one myself. Please let me explain. A narcissistic ideologue is a person who displays narcissistic tendencies while seeming to espouse an ideology that a certain portion of the population gravitate to, often to the point of not seeing the obvious flaws in the one who is, or who calls himself or herself, a leader. I'd like to explain via two examples. Example One -- Donald Trump Donald Trump is the President of the United States (POTUS).  His campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again." I'd argue that Trump meant "Make America White Again." But anyway... When Donald Trump was running for the presidency, several, uh, unseemly incidents took place.  These incidents include: Condoning violence against protesters at campaign rallies Calling for a ban of all Muslims Fighting with a family of a slain US soldier

Why Niggas with Advanced Degrees Hate It When People Lie About Having Them, Explained

From: Damon Young, 7/12/17 So, I have to say. Although most of the criticisms about Dr. Umar Johnson seem to be valid, the one that makes me feel a certain way is how hard some of you degreed niggas are going in on his supposed lack of a doctorate. It seems elitist and classist; as if only a Black person with those credentials is allowed a platform. Hmm. I can actually see how it might seem that way, as geographically incorrect Africa medallion soaked in Thunderbird with sentience “Dr.” Umar Johnson’s claim that he forgot to renew his PhD paperwork was met with unparalleled glee and mirth. Niggas had more fun with that than we do at Six Flags. But that’s more about the fact that it exposed his particular convergence of falsehoods than any sort of classism and anti-Blackness. Eh. Maybe your claims would be more valid if it weren’t true that these same jok

Something Stinks to High Heaven

Something isn't right about this at all . What do I mean? Umar has claimed that he has been called as an expert witness in court cases. Well...would the court case he's talking about be S.H., By and Through her Parent and Educational Decision Maker, Carol Durrell v. Lower Merion School District? If so, and if the doctor named on page 11  of this document, Dr . Umar Abdullah-Johnson, who supposedly performed an evaluation of a student in 2010, is the same Umar Johnson that we see on YouTube, then he may well have committed an act of perjury . Please recall the VladTV and the Rock Newman interviews.  In both interviews, Umar claimed to have earned a doctorate in 2012. So, if that is true, then how was he Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson in 2010, according to page 11 of the document linked above? If Umar Johnson is NOT the same Dr. Umar Abdullah-Johnson named in the lawsuit referenced above, then what court case(s) was Umar Johnson a participant in as an expert witness?

Dis Tew Much

Once again, we have Umar Johnson, crying the blues about how unfairly he's being treated by ' Negroes .'  I suppose now, even Roland Martin can be counted in the either the dusty Negroes or he can be counted in the number of bourgeoisie cultural nationalists  like Dr. Leonard Jeffries or Dr. Anthony Browder. Or maybe, he can counted among the people who dare to question Umar Johnson about who he is, what he says, and what he's done with the donation money. Umar claims to have six degrees , yet has produced no proof nor has he posted his resume or CV on his websites.  There have been people who have called the various schools he's named in order to find out if he has earned the degrees he says he's earned, and have gotten mixed results. And also keep this in mind.  There very well could be a person by the name of Umar Johnson, or Umar Abdullah-Johnson, or Umar Rashad Abdullah-Johnson.  So isn't it even a possibility that when one calls these schools, the

Downright Disrespectful...

Exhibit 1 I just have to say it, you all.  Umar Johnson is so damned disrespectful. Not only does he lie to the people, lie on and threaten elders, get money from people for a project that has yet to come to fruition, Umar cannot even manage to respect the dead. This picture was taken during the First Annual Black College and Consciousness Tour.  Notice that the young people are sitting on the tombstone of Frederick Douglass.  I am told that the Bailey family was highly upset at this picture.  Now, let's be clear.  I don't blame these young people at all and I'm sure that the Bailey family don't blame them, either.  Bless their hearts.  It's not their fault.  The person(s) who should have been guiding them, namely Umar Johnson, is responsible for this. Exhibit 1-A Here is Umar Johnson himself, posing at the tombstone of Frederick Douglass looking like he's on a spring break trip and not revering the Great Abolitionist. He says that he's rel

Oh, the Sabotage...

Wah, wah, wah, Umar is crying about the so-called sabotage at the event in Washington, DC. The whole video is a hamtrosity from start to finish, as far as I'm concerned. I'm really wondering from where does Umar get these folks who do not ask him critical questions? Why do I wonder this? Well, between the 2 minute and 9 second to the 2 minute and 18 second timestamps, the lady in this interview said, to Umar, and I quote, "I wouldn't dare ask you any questions." What the hell? Dagnabitall, SOMEONE need to be analytical and ask Umar those real questions that folks, especially those who donated to the school fundraiser, need and deserve to know. Let's go on.  Umar is quoted as follows: "I never thought that our elders, especially conscious elders, would be capable of that type of a sabotage, with me being their son, with me being the leader of the next generation, so to speak, it was very unfortunate that so many people came out to hear me