Co-opting MORE Titles

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew, 6:9-13
Holy Bible
New International Version

Yes, indeed, ladies and gentleman.  This funky fool, Umar Johnson, is still at it.

The good reader may ask, well, TBA, whatever do you mean?

What I mean is that Umar Johnson, according to his Instagram page, is now...

DRUM ROLL educational diagnostician!

You may ask yourself, what on earth is an educational diagnostician?

Well, let's find out!

According to Personnel Improvement Center:

The role of the educational diagnostician can vary between states and even between school districts. And even the title by which these professionals are known is often different. Depending on the state's certification, this education professional may be called a learning disabilities teacher, consultant or a learning consultant. Regardless of their title, educational diagnosticians share an ability to assess and diagnose the learning problems of students. They are usually part of a multidisciplinary team, that is, professionals from several different backgrounds who utilize their particular skills and areas of expertise to make the best decisions for placing students with learning problems. Frequently, they are also key support personnel who counsel the children and consult with teachers, parents, and others on the child's progress.

So what education is required in order to become an educational diagnostician?  Once again, according to Personnel Improvement Center:
  • Masters Degree, including course work specific to the state’s certification requirements for educational diagnostician licensure (usually requires a few additional hours beyond the typical 36 hour Masters Degree).
  • Three + years teaching experience.

So, does anyone know for a fact that Umar Johnson has a master's degree in education? Does anyone know for a fact that Umar Johnson has three or more years of teaching experience?

Who knows?  Umar Johnson changes his story so much that it's hard to keep up.  However, our good sister, Ms. Cynthia A. Johnson of Detroit, MI, found out that Umar Johnson has a master's degree in psychology, with an emphasis on school psychology, from Millersville University.

And from the video in the blogpost linked here, this is how Umar thinks your children should be taught:

I was teaching in a high school and I was talking about bi-racialism of self-hatred and this chocolate princess jumped up -- beautiful little sister.  She say, "Dr. Johnson, you don't know what you are talking about.  Look at my hair.  I got Indian in my family."  I said, "listen to me well, Princess.  Yo' ass got weave and perm in yo' family.  If you don't sit yo' ass down in my class."  I know a weave when I see one.  I went to barbering school.

The quote above makes me wonder if cursing at students counts as "teaching experience."  Am I the only one wondering about this?

Somehow, I don't think so.

And we already know that the State of Pennsylvania has said about Umar Johnson's lack of a license.


I seriously doubt that Umar Johnson is an educational diagnostician.  Just like I seriously doubt that Umar Johnson REALLY needs an architect for a school that doesn't exist.

Believing Umar Johnson is like believing in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy.

Lord, please deliver us.


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. He is definitely a wicked one! Ewwww this guy urks the living HELL out of me! I can't stand his voice and his coke sniffs. Like you, I MUST mute all of those conning videos. I simply come there for the comments section which NEVER disappoints! Next he will say he is going to create a new heaven on Mars since he can't find one on other words keep donating.

    This dude is lower than the fungus that feeds on the pond scum. He loves that saying "A prophet is not without honor except for in his own home".... what that simply means is ..Everyone in the US knows I'm a lying, disgusting, conniving pig and I need to go across international waters.

  2. I got a title for Pimpin J: will "Lying Ass Liar" do it???


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