Is This What You Want Your Children to Be Subjected To?

Umar Johnson was speaking in Memphis, Tennessee in the video below.  In this video, Umar Johnson thinks your children need to be spoken to in the following manner.

I was teaching in a high school and I was talking about the bi-racialism of self-hatred and this chocolate princess jumped up -- beautiful little sister.  She say, "Dr. Johnson, you don't know what you are talking about.  Look at my hair.  I got Indian in my family."  I said, "listen to me well, Princess.  Yo' ass got weave and perm in yo' family.  If you don't sit yo' ass down in my class."  I know a weave when I see one.  I went to barbering school.


How is it that Umar Johnson went to every kind of school there is?  Business school, barbering school, doctorate degree, masters degrees, and on and on.  Amazing.  And how does he think it's okay, as a supposed educator, to curse at a student?

But anyways...Umar continues on.
Don't you realize that in Africa, there's different phenotypes.  Everybody ain't got a broad nose, like us, or thick lips and nappy hair.  In east Africa, you got African folks with thin, fine hair -- never been touched by the white man -- with small noses and small lips and blue-black, jet-black, chocolate skin.  But whenever you see a African with a curl, they must be Native.  Whenever you see a African with a small nose, oh they must got white in they family.  We come in every phenotype under the sun which is why I don't even understand why you Black male Negroes keep dealing with these trifling-ass white women in Tennessee.
Well, we know Umar Johnson doesn't like Black women.  He doesn't like white women either.  Does Umar respect any woman?

It seems clear to me that Umar does NOT respect any woman, regardless of her skin color, hair texture, or grooming choices.

Speaking of white women, Umar says that 97% of the teachers in schools are middle class white women.  From where does he get this statistic?  It seems that Umar never says from what sources he gets his information.  Why is that?  One would think that a person who has such an education, from barbering school to doctorate degree would know the importance of citing sources.  Just ask any teacher, which Umar claims he was, or any librarian.  So why doesn't Umar Johnson say from where he gets his statistical information?

  • Don't even get me started on the school that will never exist.
  • Don't even get me started on all that donation money of which Umar Johnson has given no account.
  • Don't even get me started on his proclamations that people are jealous of him.
  • Don't even get me started on what I suspect is a lie about being in touch with the Ghanaian Ministry of Education about locating FDMG in Ghana.

It's really a shame that some of our people have been swindled by the likes of Umar Johnson...and that someone thinks he should be teaching our children by cursing at them.

Just LISTEN to this mess from 54 minutes and 52 seconds to 56 minutes and 12 seconds.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. So Umar said this: “Everybody ain't got a broad nose, like us, or thick lips and nappy hair. In east Africa, you got African folks with thin, fine hair -- never been touched by the white man -- with small noses and small lips and blue-black, jet-black, chocolate skin.”

    But then he claims to shut down a HIGH SCHOOL KID who has a hair texture not commonly associated with American black people. The Prince of Doublespeak is who he is. I bet that encounter never happened.


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