Sick Grandma...and Other Questions

Umar Johnson never seems to run out of excuses or lies when it comes to giving an account of himself and what he's done with the donation money for a school that he can NEVER open.

The latest?

On a blog talk radio program, Umar Johnson called in way past the last minute to tell the hosts of the program, by text message by the way, at about 21 minutes in, that his grandmother was suddenly taken to the emergency room.

Of course, less than 12 hours later, here we have Umar Johnson, as pictured below.

Interesting, to say the least.

It makes one wonder if Umar Johnson was afraid that the hosts of this blog talk radio program were going to try to corner him and ask him the questions that need to be asked about the money, the school and other pertinent questions, such as...

  1. On July 10, 2017, you told Roland Martin that you had raised $700,000 for your school.  On September 2, 2018, you told your Facebook audience that you raised $700,000 for your school.  How is it possible that after 14 months of collecting money for your the total amount raised is still the same?
  2. How much money have your raised for the school?
  3. Where is the money?
  4. Why are the school's financial records hidden from the public?
  5. When will the school open?
  6. What is the name and address of the school that you worked as a principal?
  7. What years were you employed as a principal?
  8. Why haven't you shown a physical copy of any of your supposed 6 degrees?
  9. Where is the office located where you offer professional psychological services?
  10. How can you be your mother's primary caregiver while traveling around the world?
  11. How are you going to establish, manage, and maintain a school while traveling around the world?
  12. If you are the most requested speaker, then why are so many of your speaking engagements cancelled?
These questions come from brother Lenon Honor, who I'm quoting, as best as I can, by way of sister Anti Afro Svengalis.  In my view, and I'm confident that in the view of most reasonable people, these are excellent questions that a legitimate person in Umar Johnson's position would have answered/addressed by now.  The only other question I would ask to that is this:

Why do you, Umar Johnson, continue to say, year after year after year of your public life, that you've been doing your type of work for 20 years?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Another question: You have always listed your P.O. box as a means to receive donations. How much money have you raised by check, cash and money orders?

  2. Why do most of your school searches happen right before you go on vacation or during the holidays when most establishments are closed such as Christmas and New Years?

  3. Why did you give Mr. Dudley of St Paul's college a business card to a bail bondsman in Texas that you claimed was your lawyer?

  4. Why do you feel you are not obligated to present the business plan for FDMG to donors when you have not personally invested a dime towards the project?

  5. When educating our young male youth, how would you be able to teach them about the responsibilities of strong family values and relationships through your own personal experiences.

  6. Do you think it is healthy for you to have these multiple personalities and drift in and out of each of these different personas while educating children?

  7. Over the past 5 years, how many candidates have you reached out to for teaching positions for your school?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Would it be fair to say that your refusal to produce specifics of your school plan is not because your donors are too ignorant to understand but due to your inability to successfully fake being intelligent in this area?

  10. I hate to admit this but I donated $250.00 to this Huckster and his fictitious school....Stay on his ass! Charlatan!

    1. Refer to the agencies found in the link below. You have every right to complain about Umar Johnson lying about a school.


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