Five Black Men...

Five Black men launched a school for Black boys, according to the Black Upstart.

Yes, FIVE black men.

This means that they worked as a team to get their enterprise off the ground and going.

Who are these men? Well, they are:

Dexter Korto, Founding Leadership Track Humanities Instructor
Kerel Thompson, Founding Leadership Track STEM Instructor
Shawn Hardnett, Founder and Executive Director
Joseph Speight, Founding Director of Operations
Rictor Craig, Founding Director of Instruction

Goodness, these FIVE black men, who worked together, as a team, actually have biographical sketches that explain who they are, what they do, and what their experiences are. It's all right there for anyone to see and read if they choose.

I don't see any evidence of any of these men calling Black parents, Black children or Black people maggots, pigslazy, trifling, THOTS, dusty, and feminazis.

I can't see any evidence to suggest that Mr. Speight would get indignant with someone for asking about the organization's operation budget, as Umar Johnson has below.

An example of Umar's tomfoolery-EXHIBIT 1

I don't see any evidence of any of these men depicting themselves as comic book superheros, like Umar Johnson has.

An example of Umar's tomfoolery-EXHIBIT 2

AND...they have a statement against discrimination.
As an organization deeply committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, it is the policy and commitment of Statesmen College Preparatory Academy for Boys not to discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other personal or professional status.
This is quite unlike Umar Johnson, who claims he will openly discriminate against anyone who is married, dating, or sleeping with someone of another race.  Further, he wants to tell Black women who work at his pretend school how to groom their hair--even when they aren't at work.  All of this behavior would be illegal in a workplace setting.

I don't see any evidence of these five Black gentlemen prattling on about haters, like Umar Johnson does on a regular basis.

I don't see any evidence that any of these five Black men are capable of giving the following quote, as Umar Johnson did.
For a Black parent to admit that your child really doesn't have a reading disability-just a lazy-ass little Negro. That's all! He ain't got no reading problem-just a lazy, sloppy, spoiled-assed little boy 'cuz that's how you raised him. He ain't got no problem. But for a mother or a father to admit that-that Dr. Umar says my son don't have a learning disability. He's just a sloppy, lazy, spoiled-assed little brat who don't want to apply himself in the class. That means that I now have to take responsibility for helping him change his attitude. I don't want to do that. That's going to be hard work to change my son after I done spoiled him rotten. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to act like Dr. Umar don't know what he talking about. I'm going to live in denial about him saying that my son don't have a learning disability because living in denial, I don't have to do no work. I don't have to take any responsibility. That's Black people.

If Umar Johnson was really trying to make/build/create a school, which we know he's not, he would take a lesson from any or all of these five black men.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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