Umar is Making His Supporters Look Stupid

I don't know why you all are allowing this.

Why are you letting Umar Johnson make you look stupid?

Think about it.  You have:

1.  Allowed him to get away with not having to prove any of his claims of being related to Frederick Douglass.

You all claim that it doesn't matter.  And, actually you are right.  It doesn't matter.  So if it doesn't matter, why would Umar have to lie about it?

He lied about it to get you to buy in.  He knows his followers don't check things out.  Not only will you not check things out, you will get angry with those who do.

I mean, damn, all any of you would have to do is go back and read The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass to see that Umar is giving you some truths mixed with muddleheaded so-called facts.

But you won't do that.  In fact, you're ready to curse out and fight the ones who do read, follow up and get actual information.  How ridiculous!

Remember the best lies have a grain of truth in them.

2.  Allowed him to get away with not having to prove his credentials.

Again, you all claim it doesn't matter.  And, once again, you are right.  And once again, if it doesn't matter, why would he need to say it without having the proof?

Every person who has any kind of credentials doesn't have an issue with producing the proof of his or her credentials.  Except Umar.  He is the only person I have ever seen or read, who claims to have these degrees, credentials and credibility, who deflects, name-calls, puts out memes on social media like a junior high school student, and otherwise acts a monkey fool, whenever he is asked to prove what he put out for public consumption.

He did it to get you to buy in.  He knows his followers don't check things out.  Not only will you not check things out, you will get angry with those who do.

3.  Allowed him to get away with not having to account for the money that was donated to him for the cause of the Frederick Douglass / Marcus Garvey International Leadership Academy.

Has he informed his followers that the Student Center on St. Paul's College campus has been sold for $400,000?  Do you even know if he submitted a bid on the building?

It has been almost a year since Ms. Maria Lloyd put out a video questioning Umar Johnson about the money that has been donated for the Frederick Douglass / Marcus Garvey International Leadership Academy.  And after all of this silly "beef" between Umar Johnson and Boyce Watkins as a result of this video, there is still no accounting of the money.

4.  Allowed him to get away with trashing the parent(s), who are often single mothers, who are donating to him and coming to him for help.  A real psychologist doesn't trash the people who are looking for assistance from him/her.

He's recorded telling people that he would not send their children home to them because they are 'the problem.'

And you all are accepting and holding up this nonsense as leadership?

If so, that would be utterly pathetic and, honestly, it doesn't speak well of us as a people if this is the kind of person we are holding up as a leader.

We are not yet strong enough as a people to withstand the deceptive, immature, petty, and unreliable so-called "leadership" of Umar Johnson.  Given the economic, social and political climate of the United States at this time, Umar Johnson costs too much.  We need to be focusing our energy, time, money, and other resources onto real projects, real businesses, and real education.

We cannot afford to continue to entertain foolishness.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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