GoFundMe Used for More Hotep Hustlin'

Okay, y'all, just let this roll around in your brain for a moment:

Umar is using GoFundMe to collect money for the school he says he is trying to build.  I do not understand why he would do that if he were SERIOUS about raising money for his 'cause.'  Take a look at the picture below.

From:  https://www.gofundme.com/pricing

Clearly, not only is Umar not an administrator, he's not much of a businessman either.  Why give up 7.9% of your donations plus $0.30 per donation, to GoFundMe.com when he could get a team together, with a team member who understands finance, to find better ways to fund or finance this school.

What do I mean?

Now, according to https://www.gofundme.com/drumar, there is $348,993 donated by 8835 donors, as of November 29, 2016, in donations for the FDMG Academy as of the day of this posting.  With a 7.9% percentage fee plus $0.30 per donor, Umar has given up $30,220.95 to GoFundMe thus far.

Why would Umar do this when he could assemble a team of educators, accountants, financiers, realtors, and other professionals and trades people who could assist him in financing, obtaining and running the school?

Did you know that GoFundMe requires you to take money out at least 30 days after the first donation?  According to https://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/articles/203604314-Who-is-WePay-

WePay is our US and Canadian payment processor. When you create a GoFundMe campaign from the US or Canada, a WePay account is automatically created for you to collect your donations.

Due to federal regulations, WePay requires that you withdraw your funds within 30 days of your first donation or donations will be disabled until you or your beneficiary sets up a withdrawal. We encourage you to set up withdrawals as soon as possible to ensure that you receive your funds in a timely manner. Withdrawing your donations will in no way affect your campaign. You will be able to continue accepting funds for as long as you would like, and the "amount raised" shown on your campaign will not be changed.

When you are ready to withdraw your funds, you can sign in to GoFundMe here and click “Withdraw” at the top of your dashboard. If you have not confirmed your WePay account, you will be prompted to do that before you can proceed.

There is no way that the donation money is just sitting in the GoFundMe account waiting for the goal to be reached.  It can't be.

So, where is the money?

Further, Umar could command more money in speaking and lecture fees at university campuses if he could definitively prove that he has the credentials that he says he has.  So why does it bother him to do so?  Some might say that he would get even more support and donation money if he were transparent and had a team with him.

Instead of being transparent, he dances and deflects, shucks and jives, sticks and moves, and otherwise acts like a blithering fool, all without answering valid questions.

Why won't Umar get out of his own way?

Is it because Umar isn't really trying to finance a school, and/or that he doesn't have the credentials he says he has?

The hustle is real, y'all.

And because we, collectively speaking, tend blindly trust so-called "leaders" and because we do not want to read, to research and to think for ourselves, we will get taken time and again.

My question is:

How long are you all going to let this jackass continue to mislead you?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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