Pookie, Ray-Ray and Cognitive Dissonance

Poor Dempsey Spears.  He just doesn't know, doesn't care or doesn't care to know what's really going on.  One can almost feel sorry for him.  Because, really, cognitive dissonance a difficult thing to grasp.  It's hard to live with, isn't it?
  • Think about someone who smokes who doesn't believe it's possible to get emphysema.
  • Think about someone with an allergy to peanuts who eats peanut butter every day.
  • Think about someone with cirrhosis of the liver who drinks alcohol daily.
  • Think of someone who knows or suspects that Umar Johnson is a fraud while continuing to donate to him.
I believe this is the world in which Dempsey Spears lives.

Why do I believe this?  Well, my evidence is below.

In the video below, uploaded on December 12, 2018, Dempsey Spears brings up all the points that those who've been criticizing Umar Johnson have brought up, namely Umar Johnson trying to solicit people to donate time and labor to the toxic waste dump that he's calling FDMG, where he can't manage to get the electricity turned on.  Further, Mr. Spears explains why it's wise to have a business plan when taking on a project of the magnitude Umar Johnson has proposed.

Mr. Spears also says he's been giving Umar Johnson money since about 2015.  He did this without seeing a business plan. Yet, he brags about having a business with various locations.

Cognitive dissonance, much, Dempsey Spears?

Let's now fast forward to the video he posted on February 13, 2019, Dempsey Spears is telling people that they have no right to have an opinion about Umar Johnson and his activities, especially if they aren't donors.  In his mind, people who question Umar Johnson don't:
  • Have an education degree
  • Have zero experience in teaching
  • Have zero experience in real estate
  • Have zero experience in any type of curricula
  • Have zero experience in any type of educational setting
Now, how can Dempsey Spears know this about anyone online who he's never met?  Even more, it's strange that this man tries to tell people, through forums he doesn't own or control, like YouTube or Twitter, what opinions they can have and express.

Further, he's amazed that folks contacted the state of Delaware, called New Castle County, called real estate agents (I'm guilty) to investigate what Umar Johnson is doing.  I don't see anything wrong with any person, whether they donated or not, to find out what Umar Johnson is doing, since he claims he building a school for the good of young Black men and for the good of Black people generally.  After all, it's not like Umar Johnson is being forthcoming with information.  He's told his donors that they have no right to even ask what happened to the money.  He's told people that he thinks they're too stupid to read a business plan.  He's held himself up as a "prince" so as to not have to be accountable to anyone for any of his actions and behaviors.

But more importantly, why didn't Dempsey Spears, who is a repeat donor to this FDMG nonsense, make phone calls, do investigations, check things out to try to find out where his money went?  Why didn't Dempsey Spears, who is a repeat donor to this FDMG nonsense, who supposedly runs a business, find out what it takes to open a school, apply for accreditation, get insurance, do background checks, develop a curriculum, hire and pay staff.  After all, doesn't Dempsey Spears do some of these things himself in order to run his own business?

I don't feel like I have the right to ask him about transparency in regards to financial records.
D Derell

While telling non-donors that they don't have a right to question Umar Johnson, Dempsey Spears, a repeat donor, doesn't think he has the right to question Umar Johnson.

Can anyone say cognitive dissonance?

But instead of waking up and smelling the coffee, as it were, you've announced that your going to double down on this mess, rather than admit, perhaps even to yourself, that you've made a mistake in judgment when it comes to Umar Johnson.  You tell the world via YouTube that you actually agree that 10% of Black boys need to be murdered in order to improve Black communities, in order to turn the "hood" into a neighborhood.

To quote Mr. Spears, at about the 9:28 mark of the video linked here:

I don't see anything wrong with what he said.

And at about the 9:50 mark, Mr. Spears says.
So, yes, if ten percent have to go, then ten percent have to go.  That's including Pookie and Ray-Ray, coons, anybody that wants to keep things the way they are.
Well, now!  Here we are with ol' Pookie and ol' Ray-Ray.  And it's hilarious to me.


Think about it, Dempsey Spears.  Who is really the Pookie and Ray-Ray?

Wait for it...

  • Umar Johnson has two children (maybe three) by two (maybe three) different mothers
  • Umar Johnson has never married any of his children's mothers
  • Umar Johnson has been in and out of child support court for at least ten (10) years
  • Umar Johnson doesn't have a permanent address
  • Umar Johnson put women and children (including his own children) in harm's way
  • Umar Johnson doesn't have a job
So, really, Dempsey Spears, if you support killing the "Pookies" and the "Ray-Rays," and if you think they're part of the 10% who need to be murdered to improve our communities, the irony that Umar Johnson would be one of those who would "have to go."

And...if the definition of a coon is someone who benefits from so-called "white supremacy," such as Dempsey Spears, who gets contracts and payments from such entities and companies as Humana, BlueCross and BlueShield, Aetna, Medicaid and Medicare.


By the way, how is that cognitive dissonance treating you now, Dempsey Spears?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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