It's Official...

Umar Johnson has lost his ever loving mind!

Who would post something like this?

From Umar Johnson's social media

What's the point of posting this nonsense?

Now, TrueBlackAnonymous doesn't claim to be an expert in the behavior of assassins, but TBA doesn't believe that assassins send emails, name themselves, and list their email addresses.

So, again, what's the point?

TrueBlackAnonymous doesn't claim to be a psychologist.  However, I will give what is my opinion and my opinion only.

This reminds me of Jim Jones and Jonestown.

One of the features of Jonestown is that there were armed security around the Jonestown camp.  One of the things that Jim Jones had to do convince the members of the People's Temple that there were others after him, or after them.  The question I always had, as I study Jonestown and compare it to the "cult" of Umar Johnson, is this.

Were the security guards there to keep people out or to keep people in?

Isn't that really the question.

So, back to Umar Johnson and this so-called assassin.

Is he trying to convince folks that there are "assassins" after him?  And, if so, for what reason?

Who knows?

But as far as I'm concerned, it's official...Umar Johnson has lost his ever loving mind!

And why anyone would take this fool seriously is beyond TBA's ability to comprehend.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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