Umar...the Prince of Scam-Africanism

Umar, Umar, Umar, you just don't stop!  There's just no end to your bullshit, is there?  Why do you think you can continue to get away with bamboozling your own people?  How long do you think you can keep doing this without consequences?

The latest?

Our good sisters and brothers from Toronto, Canada are the latest victims of  Umar's garbage.

By the way, I have visited Canada and it's a lovely place with nice people.


Our good sisters and brothers wanted to bring Umar Johnson into Toronto for an event they were having.  To that end, they sent him a deposit.

Subsequently, Umar Johnson blocked the individual from Toronto who he was working with from his social media and changed his number (remember when he told the students at Philander Smith College that he might be changing his number).

Of course, Umar Johnson didn't give the good sisters and brothers their money back.

This reminds me of the event in Hamden, CT that Umar Johnson sold tickets, claimed that the venue was unsafe, "postponed" the event, and didn't refund ticket holders their money.


I've done a bit of research and it seems that one cannot travel to Canada from the United States without a passport, starting in 2009.  Well, we know that Umar owes money to the IRS for tax liens.  If one owes over, I believe $50,000 in tax liens, one's passport and be revoked.  In addition, I believe that there is a stipulation on one's passport if one owes child support.

Now, if Umar Johnson is indeed in a situation like one of these, what are the odds that he informed the good sisters and brother of Toronto, Canada?

Like Katt Williams says, don't worry, I'll wait.

Or, do you think, in typical Umarian fashion, he took the money and ran?

I'm so sorry, good sisters and brothers from Toronto, that you even had to deal with this shyster.  I really am.

Sister Anti Afro Svengalis breaks it down for us and makes it plain.

Umar Johnson is irredeemable.  Deal with him at your own peril.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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