A Hard Head Makes A Soft Behind...

My grandmother, God rest her soul, used to say, "a hard head makes a soft behind."

In other words, if you continue to be stubborn, if you are going to continue to be ornery, if you are going to continue to do the very things that get you in trouble, if you won't listen to anyone, if you refuse to learn your lesson, then don't be surprised when it all comes back to bite you.

It seems as if Umar Johnson has not learned that.

How can I tell?

Well, listen to the video below.

In this video, he asks for prayers because it seems that Umar Johnson has gotten himself into a fix with the State Board of Psychology of Pennsylvania "because of the constant complaints from jealous Africans."

I really wish Umar Johnson would stop claiming that people are jealous of him.  It's gotten really, really old, and it shows that he isn't willing or able to take responsibility for his actions, words or behaviors.

Well, a hard head makes a soft behind.

Anyway, it seems that Umar's certification as a school psychologist is in jeopardy because of things that he said during a phone counseling session, which he put up on social media for anyone who wanted to see or hear it.

Umar claims that the state of Pennsylvania is upset because he's helping so many Black parents "free their children from special education," because he's helped "so many black parents free their children from psychiatric medications," and of course, because he's helped so many black parents keep their children from being expelled and suspended. and getting second opinions, and getting approved private education, and because he has, "singlehandedly empowered tens of thousands of Black parents across this country."

Really?  Singlehandedly?

A hard head makes a soft behind.

Well, let's go on...

And they probably consider Umar Johnson "one of the biggest reasons for the drop in psychiatric medication prescriptions amongst Black children."

Yes, he said that.  However, he didn't cite a source that shows a drop in psychiatric prescription medication among Black children.  So, how would he know that?  Or is he just talking junk and presenting to his audience as facts?

Of course, 'they' want to silence Umar Johnson, the Prince of Pan Africanism, King Kong Consciousness, by taking his school psychology certification away.

Wow.  A hard head makes a soft behind.

Now the big issue is that someone reported that Umar Johnson said that he was accepting "wife resumes."

Well, Umar did say it.  And he said it during a so-called 'counseling' session that he posted on Facebook Live.

But now that the state board is looking at him, he wants to deem his call for 'wife resumes' as a practical joke.

A hard head makes a soft behind.

Have mercy.

I have some questions:

  1. What real professional psychologist, counselor, therapist, clinical psychologist calls out for 'wife resumes' during a counseling session?
  2. What real professional psychologist, counselor, therapist, clinical psychologist calls out for 'wife resumes' during a counseling session as a practical joke (which he is now saying that was)?
  3. Why doesn't he see that his calling out for wife resumes compromises him as a therapist for children if he's saying that to the MOTHERS of the children he's supposedly helping?
  4. Why doesn't Umar get that rendering his personal and/or political opinions about women, gay folks, Black folks, or anyone else, during a counseling session, in which he is supposed to be the professional, can potentially cause a problem?
  5. Why doesn't Umar Johnson, who is supposed to be the professional when he's giving these counseling sessions, see that this not the time to joke, give his opinions, call people out of their names, or ask for 'wife resumes, joking or not?
After all he wasn't saying these things while he was hanging out with his buddies in the park playing basketball or something.  This was something he said when he was acting in his supposedly professional capacity.

So, YES, this is a problem.

Umar then tries to evoke the First Amendment right to free speech.  I don't know if a so-called professional psychologist, counselor, therapist, clinical psychologist has First Amendment rights to free speech during a so-called counseling session, to call out for 'wife resumes' or to call victims of sexual assault, rape, molestation or incest T.H.O.T.S.

Oh, yeah, Umar did that, too.  But, according to him, he was merely exercising his First Amendment rights.

Someone, please, help me on that one.

Because, a hard head makes a soft behind.

But if he's on these calls, as a mental health professional, to give assistance to folks who need it, his opinions and his 'rights' shouldn't matter because it's not about him.  It's about helping the patient/client.

However, a hard head makes a soft behind.

He has to continue his self-congratulatory ego-stroking by proclaiming himself as a man "who has done more to empower Black parents to save their children than anyone in my generation."

Can this man do any more public ego massaging?  It's downright embarrassing.

Yes, a hard head makes a soft behind.

Umar claims that some dude in Chicago went onto a Facebook Live, lied on him and posted something disrespectful about Umar.

So how does the professional psychologist, counselor, therapist, clinical psychologist, who is supposedly able to teach us about conflict resolution, handle this?

"Doctor" Umar offering services in conflict resolution

He threatened to "smack the shit" out of the guy in question.

Yes, indeed the professional psychologist, counselor, therapist, clinical psychologist, in the same video in which he's lamenting the possible revocation of his certification, based on what he said that HE captured on video, for the world to see actually threatened, on video, for the world to see, to "smack the shit" out of a guy he doesn't like.

And Umar thinks his problem is the FBI and COINTELPRO?

Oh my, a hard head makes a soft behind.

And by the looks of Umar and his behaviors, he has a very hard head.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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