Umar Leaped from Eventbrite to Ticket Leap to Eventbee?

We'd like to take a moment to thank one of the faithful readers of TrueBlackAnonymous.

This very aware person thought enough of TrueBlackAnonymous to alert us to the amazing goings-on with Umar Johnson.  Please see the picture below from Umar Johnson's Twitter account.

Now, the picture comes from Eventbrite.  It shows a picture of an event in Nashville, TN, given by the Prince of Pan Africanism.  Notice that the tickets are non-refundable.  Also, notice that the event has been postponed.

Does this seem familiar?

Let's take a moment to do some speculation.  Between the cancellation of the event in Hamden, CT (with non-refundable tickets) and the cancellation of the event in Nashville, TN (also with non-refundable tickets) could it be possible, that Eventbrite got enough complaints that they kicked Umar Johnson to the curb, thereby making Umar have to make the leap to Ticketleap?

On another note, notice that Umar, was scheduled to be at Johnson C. Smith University on December 28, 2017.  But, after the news piece from a local Charlotte, NC station, highlighting Umar's saying that folks should shoot police officers may have put people off, including people on the campus of Johnson C Smith University.

Also notice that Umar is scheduled to be in Atlanta, at the Shrine of the Black Madonna, on December 28, 2017.

I know he's the Prince of Pan Africanism and all, but even he can't be in two places at the same time.

So what happened?  Clearly, either he cancelled the event himself or Johnson C. Smith University cancelled him.

I wonder if those tickets were non-refundable, too.

And he didn't even think enough of the people who may have purchased tickets to post the cancellations or the postponements on his Twitter account, even though he can post pictures of himself in Cuba, in France, in Turks and Caicos, in South Africa, and even in Columbus, OH.  But no word on cancellations or postponements.

This is how Umar treats his people.  Damned shame.

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