Umar Lying on the Pennsylvania State Board Of Psychology!

Does it ever stop with you, Umar?

Dang, what a stupid question.  TrueBlackAnonymous knows the answer to that question.

The answer would be a big, loud, resounding NO!

The lies don't stop.  They just go on and on.

The latest lie Umar has been busted on?


He told Ms. Cynthia Johnson, at about the 13 minute mark, in an interview that was posted on YouTube on December 22, 2015, that the State of Pennsylvania doesn't keep a record of everyone who earns a doctorate in psychology.


Page One of the State of Pennsylvania Application to Request Approval
to Sit for the Psychology Licensing Exam

It seems that the picture above tells a different story than what Umar told Ms. Johnson on her radio program.

Further, if Umar really knew the rules and regulations of the field, he would have NEVER, EVER, EVER even let his mind conjure up a so-called 'diagnosis' as T.H.O.T.-ish Personality Disorder.

Page One of the State of Pennsylvania Application to Request Approval
to Sit for the Psychology Licensing Exam

If he EVER referred to a victim of sexual molestation or sexual abuse as a potential T.H.O.T., he would have likely been out on his ear.

My understanding is that even those who have internship status are supposed to be searchable in the database.  And remember, PCOM requires internship as a part of their doctorate of clinical psychology program.

Page Six of the State of Pennsylvania Application to Request Approval
to Sit for the Psychology Licensing Exam

Umar's name cannot be found.

Moving on...

Page Eight of the State of Pennsylvania Application to Request Approval
to Sit for the Psychology Licensing Exam 

I find it interesting that Umar never discusses any of his scholarship or any of his experiences as an intern  After all, if he's completed 1,750 hours of work as an intern, that would be a wealth of experience upon which to draw.

This is why Ms. Johnson wanted Umar to verify his credentials.  Like any responsible person in her position, she wanted to present the correct information to her audience.  And we heard Umar act a complete fool for no justifiable reason on Ms. Johnson's show.  His behavior alone should be enough evidence that this man is not who he says he is.

As a side note:  I have never met or spoken with Ms. Cynthia Johnson, but she doesn't strike me as anyone's fool.  Thank the Almighty for her and that interview.

And speaking of Ms. Cynthia Johnson and that interview she did with Umar....I'm just did the supervising clinical psychologist score Umar on professional conduct, based on that interview alone, not to mention all the other foolery Umar has displayed, of which the examples are plentiful?

Page Ten of the State of Pennsylvania Application to Request Approval
to Sit for the Psychology Licensing Exam

Please click on the link below to read the full application for yourself.

And, please, read and research for yourselves.

I strongly suggest that you really think about if you should give your money to and, most importantly, entrust your children with, someone who is a PROVEN liar.

Give the sister, Anti Afro Svengali a listen...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. Even for the completion of my Masters Degree in Counseling; I had to take Pre-practicum, Practicum and Internship hours under a licensed clinical professional counselor who gave approval and signature for all I did. I then had to register with the state to take my exam for licensure in the state...once passed, you are added to a state registry as a practicing professional licensed counselot/psychologist, therapist, mental health practitioner...etc. Your name is there until you lose good standing in your field and is public access.

  2. Wow! You really broke this down! I am impressed with your research. It only further confirms my suspicions that this man quite possibly does not have a degree in anything. I always wondered why he never shows any of his degrees posted up on the wall when he does live streams. He even has a picture of a map but no degrees shown. This would not be a big deal considering the camera shows a limited amount of the background in the room, but as much as he boasts and brags about his education....I would certainly think he would have shown them by now. This man is a disgusting crook and predator in my opinion. Great job on this blog. I have literally had this open the entire day at work reading as I get down time.


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