S/He's an Agent...

I've been studying the idea that someone is an agent for disagreeing with someone or having a personal issue with someone.

For example, Khym Ringgold, was accused of being an agent, because she revealed that she had engaged in a sexual relationship with Umar Johnson.

That made me laugh because the fact that Umar Johnson was engaging in a sexual relationship wasn't a big deal to me.   Further, I would be willing to bet that no federal agency would give a damn about Umar Johnson, who claims he wants to create a school for black boys, having sex with a blond wig-wearing woman who is also a stripper.

What caught my attention is that Umar lied about engaging in sex and that he chose to engage with a woman who seemed to embody the very things he was preaching against.  That makes him a liar and a hypocrite, not the mark of a true leader.  It also makes him no more or less of a hypocrite than a pastor of a church who is sleeping with half of the congregation.  No federal agency would give a damn about that, either.

What also caught my attention is that anyone who disagrees or questions Umar is accused of being an "agent."  And they are not.  Just like the righteous deacon or church member who calls an errant pastor out on his mess, people who have supported Umar have every right to question him on his nonsense, too.

And, guess what?  Individuals are free to think, feel and say what they want (as long as it's not slanderous).  Opinions are like belly-buttons.  Everyone has one.  The act of having and expressing an opinion doesn't make one an agent.

Agents, I mean, REAL agents, don't announce themselves by having a different opinion on a subject. An agent is likely to be someone in your family or inner circle, not someone online who has a different opinion or a negative view of your activities.

Let me introduce, or remind you, of some REAL agents.

William O'Neal

William O'Neal (right-front)
William O'Neal (right-front in the picture) was caught riding in a stolen vehicle going toward the state limit in Illinois.  In order to 'work off' that charge, O'Neal was recruited by FBI agents to infiltrate the Chicago Black Panthers. Eventually, O'Neal worked his way to the head of Panther security, while reporting Panther activities to FBI agents.  O'Neal eventually drew a detailed diagram of the apartment Fred Hampton, Mark Clark and Mr. Hampton's fiancee (who was pregnant) were staying.  Mr. Hampton and Mr. Clark were shot and killed in a raid by the Chicago Police Department.  O'Neal has said repeatedly, since that time, how much he has regretted what he did.  O'Neal eventually died in what was deemed a suicide.

D'Arthard Perry

D'Arthard Perry, also known as Ed Riggs, is a self-confessed FBI informant who infiltrated the Watts Writers Workshop, in California.  The Writers Workshop was co-founded by Yaphet Kotto, and the likes of Sidney Poitier and Quincy Jones would come to teach acting and music classes.  By Perry's own account, he made himself quite useful and was friendly to all.  No one in that circle would have guessed that Perry was working for the FBI.  Perry actually built the stage of the theater in which the Watts Writers Workshop took place.  And no one would have guessed that it was D'Arthard Perry who set the theater on fire in 1973, as he confessed to Gil Noble in 1975 on Mr. Noble's iconic show, Like It Is.

Surely, an agent is NOT merely someone who publicly expresses a different opinion.  More than likely, an agent is someone who is already in the organization, family or neighborhood who can wreak havoc from within.

Just something to think about when folks are accused of being agents.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. In the video rant against Seti, Umar boasts how he is published multiple times. But what he doesn't say is he is published by "Prince of Pan-Africanism Publishing." It's not hard to publish yourself. https://www.amazon.com/Psycho-Academic-Holocaust-Special-Education-Against/dp/0988711605/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497577013&sr=8-1&keywords=psychoacademic+holocaust

  2. http://trueblackanonymous.blogspot.com/2016/10/something-just-aint-right.html

  3. At least he admits to being self published. If you google self publishing, it is basically free. You just have to pay for each copy printed. This link on twitter shows him admitting to being self published. https://twitter.com/DrUmarJohnson/status/855762000064000000

    1. I don't know if Umar ever admitted to being self-published. I showed in the post linked about, that Umar's dissertation can't be found in the Proquest Psychology database as of the date of the blog post.

  4. Umar refers to himself as self published in this tweet. https://twitter.com/DrUmarJohnson/status/855762000064000000

    1. Well, Mr. Nedry, I see that you're correct. He doesn't want people to buy from Amazon, but to buy direct from him. WOW.

  5. Very strong article and on point. I myself was called an agent because of my disagreement about Umar Johnson on and off social media. His fan base are a bunch of fanatics.They will defend him to the death if need be.


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