Just Think About This...

Umar Johnson, as far as I'm concerned, is a walking mound of garbage.

First of all, he lies all the time.

He lies about sex.

He lies about money.

He lies about being a therapist.

He lies about being related to Frederick Douglass.

He lies about being related to Harriet Tubman.

He lies about starting a school--many, many, many times.

He just lies.

He lies like the rest of us blink and breathe.

He lies when he doesn't have to lie.

He lies when the truth will suffice.

But this lie, this particular lie, really sticks in my craw.


Because Umar Johnson, again, threatened people's lives over this LIE.

What do I mean?

Umar Johnson claimed he was invited to speak at the Fulton County (Atlanta), GA jail.  He was not.  Our good brother and sister E & J from the YouTube channel called Let's Get Into It with E & J, called the Fulton County Jail and learned that Umar Johnson was NEVER invited to speak there.  Not only that, the person they spoke with NEVER EVEN HEARD of Umar Johnson.

So just think about the sick, the twisted, the deranged mind that not only conjured up this lie, but encouraged his followers to shut people's mouths up permanently over something that is a lie and something that Umar Johnson KNOWS is a lie.

What does it mean to close someone's mouth permanently, Umar Johnson?

It means you want them to be dead so that they can never speak again, especially speak the TRUTH about YOU and your LIES.

Umar Johnson has no respect.

Umar Johnson has no respect for people.

Umar Johnson has no respect for the community.

Umar Johnson has no respect for Black people.

Umar Johnson has no respect for Black women.

Umar Johnson has no respect for his family.

Umar Johnson has no respect for the mothers of his children.

Umar Johnson has no respect for his children.

Umar Johnson has no respect for himself.

Anyone who lives like this doesn't respect himself

And, I'm going to say this.  If anyone wants to send their child to Umar Johnson for education and training, there's something sick, twisted and deranged with the minds of the parents, who by the way, have NO RESPECT.



Because Umar Johnson, with his lying, disrespectful, ass has to go.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. You're absolutely right TrueBlackAnonymous the prince of frisbee disc has no respect for anybody plus he wasn't raised right, also charity begins at home.


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