License and Inspection

Top Five Reasons L&I Showed Up at Your Job

  1. Immediate danger – It’s not a myth – Inspectors really are authorized to stop and open an inspection on the spot if they see something dangerous while driving around the state. You can count on the inspector stopping if he or she notices something that could lead to a serious accident or fatality.
  2. Complaint/referral – Anyone can call the L&I hot line to file a complaint or report a concern. With this in mind, employees should be clear on how they can raise safety concerns internally and the job site should always be neat and tidy in consideration of neighboring property owners.
  3. Programmed Inspection – Sometimes it really is just a matter of your number coming up on a given day. Programmed inspections happen more frequently in high hazard industries like construction, but any business can come up on a list that generates an inspection.
  4. Follow up due to a prior inspection – If your company was cited for a serious or willful violation during a past inspection, you can bet that L&I will be back around to make sure these situations have been corrected. Make sure to resolve anything that was raised last time, because fines go up for repeat violations.
  5. Accident investigation – Last but not least, this is the inspection that no responsible employer wants to have. Inspectors will be dispatched to any workplace accident scene if the incident results in overnight hospitalization or fatality. Remember, serious accidents like these need to be reported to L&I within 8 hours or your company will face additional fines. The accident site should also be secured and left untouched (except to aid the injured).

Pay attention to number 2 on the list.

Anyone can call in a concern.  And there is a LOT to be concerned about with Umar Johnson and this so-called school.  From reports of no electricity, no plumbing, the possibility of the presence of toxic mold, to being within one mile of 25 brown fields, there is a lot that is quite concerning.

One more thing that is concerning...Umar Johnson has steadfastly refused to show any records of anything related to the money that has been donated to this school.  I'm not a lawyer, but I will venture a guess that at some point, if this so-called school is to ever exist, Umar Johnson will have to show records, including financial records.

Umar Johnson, at this point, cannot legally claim to be a school psychologist, since he is no longer affiliated with a school.  The last school he claimed to be affiliated with is the Math, Civics and Science charter school in Philadelphia.  He is no longer there.

Further, Umar Johnson will have to undergo FBI and child abuse clearances in order to work at a school, be it public, private, or charter.  In order to do that, he will have to show records.  He'll have to show a plan.  I'd bet $1,000 that he has no records or no plan.  And he won't be able to tell a school board, a state department of education, or the federal department of eduation that they don't even have a GED, like he did here.  That nonsense won't fly with any of these entities.

Lastly, if Umar Johnson has any of the criminal history claimed in this video, he would never pass a background check.

ONE MORE TIME....Stop giving Umar Johnson your money, time, labor, intellectual property...JUST STOP IT.

Umar's running scared now!

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


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