Feel Free...

Hello, my good, dear, faithful and sensible readers.  Below is some excerpts of an email I sent to Jessica Ramos-Velasquez and John Rago in regards to Umar Johnson.  Please feel free to copy and paste any portion of the text below and send to Ms. Ramos-Velasquez, Mr. Rago, or anyone you deem to be appropriate to send emails to in regards to Umar Johnson.

Since 2016, I have published and maintained a blog, http://www.trueblackanonymous.blogspot.com, documenting an individual named Umar Johnson, who has misrepresented himself for more than a decade, as someone who is starting a school called the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy. Johnson has been soliciting donations for the school for approximately 15 years. The same Umar Johnson who has been misrepresenting himself now claims to own a property the is the location of the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy, located at 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington, DE.

I'm very concerned that the same Umar Johnson has had people in the buildings at the 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington when it is obvious that the buildings are not safe for people to be in them.  I see that there is no electricity in the building  There may not be any plumbing or bathroom facilities in the building.  Further, there is suspicion of there being mold in the building(s).  I am particularly concerned that Umar Johnson had children in the buildings.

The evidence of this is all over the Internet. There are a few links below to get you started.

This link shows Umar Johnson claiming that he's purchased the property and was used as a "sales pitch" to solicit donations
http:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu9pVGONIW -- (2/09/2019 Dr. Umar Johnson New FDMG School

This link shows Umar Johnson taking people inside the building, specifically the gym, and asking people for "testimonials"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4IZkI52Eik -- Dr. Umar Johnson FDMG Academy Gym Look

This link shows Umar Johnson with people inside the building, specifically the gym, asking for "testimonials." This is the video in which there are children inside the building.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPKoX0f3bDE -- Dr Umar Johnson FDMG NIBPA Testimonies and MG Building Tour (6/8/19)

This link shows Umar Johnson during the so-called school clean-up day on June 25
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTREeHf927g -- Dr Umar Johnson FDMG Clean Up Day (6/25/19)

This link shows Umar Johnson in an interview being asked why the lights aren't on in the building
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcdtqH-5BQU -- Dr Umar Johnson Why Aren't the FDMG Lights On? Radio Interview

There appears to be evidence that there hasn't been a utility bill paid since Umar Johnson supposedly acquired the buildings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8FCo5DP2Vs -- Umar Johnson Past Due Utility Bills at his School (PROOF)

There is also evidence of him having people in the building on June 25, 2019 for the "Clean Up Day" on his Twitter account, http://twitter.com/DrUmarJohnson

Umar Johnson has claimed that the property at 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington, DE was bought outright by him, with no mortgage.  However, I understand that, according to the Vacant Properties Registration on page 9, updated as of June 20, 2019, the aforementioned property is vacant.

Yet Umar Johnson continues to solicit donations.  In the past, he has used GoFundMe and PayPal, in addition to a post office box in Philadelphia, PA to solicit donations.  The post office he was using, and may still be using in Philadelphia is FDMG Academy, PO BOX 6872, Philadelphia, PA 19132. Now he is using a post office box in Wilmington, DE to solicit donations, supposedly for a restoration fund, at FDMG Academy, PO Box 9634, Wilmington, DE 19809.  In addition, Umar Johnson also uses an online service called Cash.Me.  The link is http://Cash.me/$FDMGSCHOOL

Umar Johnson has been soliciting resumes for jobs at the FDMG Academy, even though the organization doesn't legally exist and has had a previously held non-profit status revoked.  I have attached an image from the IRS website showing the revocation.

Further, I have communicated with the Delaware Department of Education in regards to this school.  According to a Ms. Alison from the office of the Secretary of Education of Delaware, in response to an email I sent to Susan Bunting, the Secretary of Education, says that no one has applied with the Delaware Department of Education to open a charter school or a private school at the location of 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington, DE.  I was referred to the state Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection in order to report potential fraud activity.

If you research Umar Johnson, you will see that Umar Johnson wouldn't be able to pass the required FBI and child abuse clearances, due to suspicion of child endangerment, to work at a school with children.  Also, since he is not affiliated with a school, it seems that he can't legally call himself a school psychologist who is working independently.

Please, I would like to remain anonymous, because Umar Johnson has been known to threaten people who speak the truth about him.  One example is of his calling for people's mouths to be "closed permanently," is below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEhyZNo_GGk&t=1s -- Encouraging his "Cult Members" to Do His Dirty Work

I'll be taking a sabbatical from BlackAnonymous for the time being.  However, I'll be checking in from time to time.  Of course, I am down with the fellow Anti Fraud Warriors.  And you guys will know when I'm back.


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Get outta here with your weak as gossip girl blog. You got allegations then pull your shoulders back, chest out and stand up straight. See, I called you out and logged in with my Google account. I don’t even listen to the guys lectures anymore but at least he ain’t a coward

    1. If you investigate the links and the other information on this blog, you will learn that this is not mere gossip. The proof is right in front of you if you care to look.


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