
Okay, my good, reasonable, sensible people.  This is what I did late last week.

I wrote the Delaware Department of Education.  I was curious to know if Umar Johnson has made any real moves toward creating a school in the state of Delaware. I asked the questions that I wrote in a previous blog post. They are listed below.

  1. Has the Delaware Department of Education received an application to open a school called the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy located at 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington or anywhere in Delaware?
  2. Has there been any public hearings regarding the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy or are there any hearings scheduled regarding the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy?
  3. What is the public hearing process?
  4. Is the Delaware Department of Education aware that the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy has a revoked 501( c )(4) status?
  5. Is the process of applying and obtaining accreditation independent from opening a school in Delaware?
Below is pasted from the email address I used.

Thank you for your message. No one has applied with the Delaware Department of Education to open a charter a private school at this address.

If someone is falsely raising money, this may be an issue for the Attorney General Office’s Consumer Protection unit to investigate.

This is directly from the email address I used to email the Secretary of Education of the state of Delaware.

The telephone number for the state of Delaware attorney general's  Fraud & Consumer Protection Office is (302) 577-8600.

So I say...




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  1. Replies
    1. Wow! You people are vicious. You will pull down anyone who tries to do something for your community. You are ready to kill your own. Do you have ANY idea how long it takes, how much money it takes, and what kind of community organizing it takes to start a new school from scratch and a new movement altogether!? It is mind blowing that you have so much hatred against your very own people. White folks don't do that to each other.

      Parcel #2602940028 / 610 E Seventeenth St, Wilmington, DE 19802 has been registered under the Douglass Frederick & Garvey Marcus RBG International Leadership Academy. The sale of the building was registered on 2/6/2019. It is Public Records. I looked it up just for the sakes of it because anyone who has any experience in starting incredibly huge and ground breaking projects like this school can tell by all your comments alone that you are speaking out of sheer fear and layers of internalized systematic racism that has been built to paralyze your community and lead you to self-destruction. Please love your own and take care of each other. Support projects and ideas that come from your own community and don't criminalize them in the early stages when you haven't even given the project and folks involved a chance to stand on their own two feet. Let me tell you, a project of this magnitude can take 10 years easily. I am actually surprised that Umar has been able to fundraise and buy a school in only 4 years AND develop curriculums for it.
      And by the way, if any of you have any idea what it takes to pay those building taxes and to renovate a school building in those conditions (see video ) you will be lucky if you get to see a request filed to open a school in that location within the next two years - unless you have a super rich uncle and a pot of money hiding somewhere and you have a team of critical analytical educators at the tip of your fingers in Delaware.

  2. I KNEW IT! All of those damn black apologists are delusional. It's unbelievable how black folks can be so damn naive. He posted that video on his website for a damn prop 5 months ago. I have saw on other social media platforms that people are demanding receipts for where that money is going. Not one person received a reply. It's fucked up. Thank you for the work you do...

    1. Thank you, Truthseeker. I encourage anyone who has donated to report to the state of Delaware Attorney General's office.

  3. COWARDS do such things! Ignorance keep us from knowing how to gather information. I know how much the school costs. It is in the property tax records. Trust you know the truth by now and that your mama and daddy taught you about



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