Feeling Sorry for a Rattlesnake?

Is it possible to feel sorry for a rattlesnake?

I'm not sure, but our sister Ms. Jacqui Norwood, bless her heart, can see how people might feel sorry for a rattlesnake.

Her rationale?

It shows that she still has her humanity.

I get it.

So she has some advice for the rattlesnake we call Umar Johnson.

Yes, I called Umar Johnson a rattlesnake.

Umar Johnson has, as far as I can tell, backed himself into a corner.  Not only has Umar Johnson obtained over $750,000 in donations for a school that cannot exist, he's likely perping like he owns a property that is to be turned into a school.  And now, it's suspected that Umar Johnson has a criminal record.

SIDE NOTE:  Is the criminal record hard to believe, given that Umar Johnson is never forthcoming with information and has been repeatedly caught in one ridiculous lie after another?  And, if this criminal record stuff isn't really him, wouldn't he work to get it straightened out?

So, does Umar Johnson actually own the school buildings in Wilmington, DE?

  1. Umar Johnson has not been inside of "his" school in over 5 months.
  2. Umar Johnson has never shown video of him opening the door to the school.
  3. Umar Johnson has not done any videos of him (or anyone) doing maintenance on the inside of the building.
  4. Umar Johnson continues to make excuses as to why he cannot enter the school.
  5. Umar Johnson has a history of trespassing on school properties and has been doing so for years.
  6. Umar Johnson has not provided any legal documentation that proves that he owns the school.
  7. Umar Johnson has not told his supporters (or the general public) how much he paid for the school.
  8. Umar Johnson has not told his supporters how much money was left over after he purchased the school.
  9. Umar Johnson is now asking for $1,000,000 to renovate the school without providing an itemized list of what need to be renovated and how much it will cost to renovate.
  10. Umar Johnson has pushed the school opening date back to August 21, 2020.

This list is based on what Brother Lenon Honor developed and can be found in the video linked here.

So, here's the thing, my good and faithful readers.  Umar Johnson has nowhere to go.  The jig is just about up, in my opinion.

  1. Umar Johnson cannot open a school because he doesn't have the background and the credentials to do so.
  2. Umar Johnson, if he has the criminal record listed here, will NEVER be able to open a school.
  3. Umar Johnson has no team to help him navigate the Department of Education, human resources, educational principles and curriculum, etc.
  4. Umar Johnson has shown no documentation of what happened to the donation money.
  5. Umar Johnson has never shown any proof of any of his claims to having six degrees, being related to Frederick Douglass, and so on.
  6. Umar Johnson has shown no proof that he actually owns the school in Wilmington, DE.
  7. Umar Johnson has chosen to present a school to the people, as if he owns it, which is within one mile of 25 brown fields.
  8. Umar Johnson has GoFundMe issuing refunds to donors after moving the goalpost for his phony-baloney school.
  9. Umar Johnson has a revoked non-profit status.
  10. Umar Johnson has been recorded twice advocating for the murder of people's children.
All of this has got to catch up with him sooner or later...and probably sooner.

The walls are closing in.

So what does this have to do with the rattlesnake that someone might feel sorry for?

Well, the sister in the video below has some suggestions for the rattlesnake, Umar Johnson.  They are, summarized here, as follows:
  1. Anyone with the ability to have common sense, discernment, or observation can see that something is mentally wrong with Umar Johnson.
  2. Umar Johnson needs to get an psychological evaluation.
  3. Umar Johnson needs to check himself into a mental health facility.
  4. Umar Johnson needs to do a press conference and come clean about the school scam.
  5. Umar Johnson needs to cut his losses while there is a sliver of a chance for him to do so.
  6. Umar Johnson needs to be willing to take the consequences for his actions and behaviors, which might include jail time.

However, Umar Johnson's pride, ego, and perhaps his mental illness, will not allow him to confess, come clean and take the consequences. So maybe the law will make him have to take his consequences.

I say let the chips fall where they may,  After all, enough is enough.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. And if anyone still thinks a school is going to open after all of this....you need your head examined

    1. You're right. It's never going to happen. I believe, at this point, if anyone is still donating money to Umar Johnson, they are co-conspirators to his crimes.

  2. Another great presentation about the false Doctor.

    1. Thanks, Brother Paul. I sure appreciate your support!


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