A Sad, Pathetic Attempt at Shaming Tactics

Umar Johnson is actually on a radio program doing another scripted interview attempting to shame people who ask him questions about the $750,000 that he claims was donated to him.  The excuses are typical.

Don't Question Umar

Well...we spend $300 million on the opening weekend of the Black Panther movie and we spend $200 billion on Nike products each year, so this somehow exempts Umar Johnson from being questioned about the donation money.

Who did a 3-hour Black Panther movie review?
Who was calling himself "Real Monger?"
Who claims to have the "Wakanda curriculum" for your children?

How idiotic

What is the Wakanda curriculum?  And why was the Umarian Black Panther movie review longer than the actual movie?

More than that, my good, dear people, if you buy a Nike product, you get the Nike product you paid for.  When you pay admission to see a movie, you get to see the movie.  If you buy a box of perm from your local drug store, you get the box of perm.  That is the basis of commerce, Good People.

But this Negro here...Umar Johnson, simply wants you to give your money for something and not even have to show evidence of what he's done?  This Negro wants to behave like there is something wrong with people asking what was done with their donation money, because it's "only" $750,000 collected in 4 years?


Delusions of Grandeur

One of the traits of narcissism is that the narcissist is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.  Read the quote below to see if this fits.
I believe that they [Umar's detractors] believe in their hearts that if this brother gets this school open it's going to change America and the entire Black diaspora forever.
WOW...Umar actually thinks opening a school is going to change Black people all over the world forever?  Just damn...

Jealousy and Envy

Another trait of narcissism is that the narcissist believes others are jealous of him or her.  Umar is well-known for claiming that others, especially others who have the unmitigated gall to question him, are jealous of him.

Because we [Umar's detractors] know he's sincere, we have to stop it.  Because our jealousy and envy can't stand to see Dr. Umar as the lone wolf amongst the quote-unquote conscious community actually nation-building.

Well Umar, that's just it.  Nation builders don't mind answering questions.  Nation builders don't call the members of his or her nation dusty, trifling, jealous, pigs, maggots, etc.  Nation builders aren't lone wolves.  Nation builders are leaders and leaders are accountable to the nation.  Nation builders don't build alone.

So, if you're a nation builder, then show the nation some documentation.  Share with the nation you're building.  Show your board of governors.  Show your nation who is with you in this endeavor.

Integrity and Principle

This is why it's so important for us to only deal with people who have integrity and principle.

Yes, good people, Umar Johnson actually said this out of his mouth.  In your mind, insert joke, sarcastic comment, or meme of your choice.  Below is mine.

There are so many examples I just can't muster the energy to type them all here.  Just look throughout the blog.  The most glaring one is Umar Johnson's insistence to continue to claim Frederick Douglass as a relative when it is clear that Umar isn't relate to the Bailey/Douglass family.


Umar Johnson says that one need not apply to FDMG if one is:
  • Sexually confused
  • Dating outside your race
  • Praying to a 'White Jesus'

Have mercy!  I'm trying to imagine in my mind what type of job interview would occur in which anyone would be asked about his or her sexuality, who he or she is dating, or to what type of God he or she prays.

Perhaps the kind of job interview that would be illegal!!!!!

And to paraphrase the brother, The Black Dot, if Umar Johnson denied someone a job on the basis of one's sexuality, who someone is dating, or what God they pray to, how they wear their hair, he would get sued.

I know this school is never going to exist, but, still...Umar Johnson is such a dummy.

Ain't y'all sick and tired of this jackass yet?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. It also let's me know that he's a racist piece of trash and if anybody speaks in that negative tone is acting like a white supremacist str8t up and down. SMDH ����


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