Out of Africa...

Reliable sources alerted the TrueBlackAnonymous brain trust that Umar Johnson is desperate, and I mean desperate to put together a trip to Egypt and Ethiopia.


Let me back up.

Africa is a vast land with varied peoples, languages and cultures.  I'm sure that there are plenty of interesting sites to see, activities in which one can participate, beautiful and welcoming people to meet, and lots of different foods to try.

If you're interested in traveling to Africa, particularly to see some historic sites, like pyramids, sphinxes, etc., please travel with people who have experience and knowledge in these areas.

You will learn a lot more than going on some last minute, janky, thrown together mess that Umar Johnson is doing.

For example, there is a brother named Runoko Rashidi.  He's extremely knowledgeable and renowned for his studies and travels all over the world.  If you want to travel with Brother Rashidi, please go to his website.  It's quite interesting and includes pictures, a biography outlining some of his accomplishments and activities, a list of books that one can read (you don't need Umar Johnson for that) to learn about African history from actual scholars.

*Stage whispers* Umar Johnson is NOT a scholar.

Another person you may consider traveling to Africa with is a brother named Tony Browder.  He's a definitely a person who studies Nile Valley culture deeply and has written books discussing Nile Valley civilizations.  He also offers many opportunities to travel and study in Egypt (Kemet) and the surrounding areas.  If you want to have a wonderful educational experience, consider contacting the brother Tony Browder and making the appropriate arrangements.

*Another stage whisper* Mr. Browder was one of the elders Umar Johnson threatened to "King Kong Conscious."

Of course, one cannot talk about educational travel to Egypt/Kemet without talking about Ashra Kwesi.  Baba Kwesi and his wife have organized trips to Kemet and Ethiopia for nearly 30 years.  They have DVDs and other materials as well.  Baba Kwesi has said many times that he's studied under Dr. Ben and he often references Dr. Ben in his lectures.

And another thought about Baba Kwesi.  He works with his WIFE, for goodness sake.  And not once have I ever heard of him referring to his wife as a "pig," as a "maggot," as a "feminazi," a "hood rat," or as an "ashy-assed THOT."

*Yet another stage whisper* Umar Johnson never says who he has studied under and was once heard to say that he knows more than the people who have experience in his alleged field of study.

I'm just saying...be careful of the company you keep, even in the Motherland.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. I wouldn't travel with that dusty creep anywhere....especially out of the country. That dude will be coming up with all types of money grabbing schemes if you leave him in charge of making travel arrangements.

    1. I wouldn't walk across the street with Umar Johnson.

  2. Ya see the cracker don't want me to leave the United States so they can keep up with that North American hate. They just jealous, so they took my passport and the funds that you all gave me for the trip. White supremacy is non emotional


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