Kicked to the Curb

Oh boo hoo!  Poor Umar Johnson.  His YouTube channel was shut down...and he didn't get any notice and was given no reason.

Umar is lying.  He knows exactly why his YouTube channel was shut down.  YouTube always tells people why their channel was shut down.  No entity just shuts down your stuff without giving a reason.

Imagine if your credit card company just shut down your account out of nowhere with no reason given.  Imagine if your bank just closed your checking account out of nowhere with no explanation.  Imagine if you were kicked out of your home and no one told you anything.

It doesn't happen.  So, yeah...Umar Johnson is lying per usual.

Of course, he lied because he wants his followers to think that YouTube is threatened by Umar Johnson because he's telling the truth and shaming the machinations of White Supremacy.

Feel free to use whenever you hear buffonery!

  1. Remember when Umar Johnson reported Anti Afro Svengalis to YouTube because of "hate speech" for telling the truth about him?
  2. Remember when Umar Johnson called black people "jealous," "trifling," and "dusty"?
  3. Remember how Umar Johnson blocks people who ask him legitimate questions?
  4. Remember how Umar Johnson called Black women maggots, pigs and THOTS?
  5. Remember when Umar Johnson came up with the "diagnosis" of "THOT-ish personality disorder" for women and girls who are victims of sexual assault, molestation and incest?
So you know what, Umar Johnson?  Have a taste of your own medicine.  In fact, my prescription is to take your medicine with a big ol' heaping, hot helping of Shut The Hell Up!

YouTube shut you down?  Cry me a river, Umar Johnson.

Boy, 'Bye!

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Was he shut down for being an idiot?

  2. I must admit that I never watch his 1-3 hour live feeds. I usually only watch the first 3 minutes and the last 3 minutes because that is usually when he does his begging..which is the point of the entire get money :):):)

  3. i think he shut it down himself.


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