
Showing posts from November, 2016

We Have a Right and Responsibility to Critique Dr. Umar Johnson

Yes, we do! From: N ot long ago, I wrote an  article in support  of Umar Johnson’s mission to create an academy for boys, followed by a June 19th  open letter  asking him to respond to legitimate community questions. I knew that Dr. Umar’s response would be revealing. If he chose not to respond, it would display his disregard for the Black community he presumes to lead; If he responded by respectfully answering the questions posed, he would reveal himself as a sincere man of the people with a humble spirit and nothing to hide. Umar, I thought, could also take a third approach and respond with bitterness, accusation, and bravado, without adequately addressing the questions raised to him. Umar chose the third approach. Johnson posted the following indirectly direct response on his Facebook page: “I’ve been made aware of all the hate that has been directed towa

Umar And His Misogyny...

Is it just me, or does Umar, and his male followers, get especially butt-hurt when he is critiqued or questioned by a woman ? Think about it. When a woman disagrees with or asks Umar questions, she is a feminazi , a hater, or even a so-called a Negro bed wench . When Khym Ringgold, otherwise known as the "Conscious Stripper" exposed Umar for lying on the Roland Martin show, what happened? Ms. Ringgold was called a "maggot" and "tramp."  Her sons were also insulted.  And, she got memed as well. When Chantall Beaty asked to see Umar's credentials, what happened? Chantall Beaty was compared to Miss Piggy...and proof of his credentials were never produced. None of these proves credentials When Maria Lloyd put out an video, asking valid questions about Umar and his fund-raiser, what happened? Umar got into this huge beef with Boyce Watkins, since Ms. Lloyd's video was on Dr. Watkins channel. Some of Umar's followers called her

GoFundMe Used for More Hotep Hustlin'

Okay, y'all, just let this roll around in your brain for a moment: Umar is using GoFundMe to collect money for the school he says he is trying to build.  I do not understand why he would do that if he were SERIOUS about raising money for his 'cause.'  Take a look at the picture below. From: Clearly, not only is Umar not an administrator , he's not much of a businessman either.  Why give up 7.9% of your donations plus $0.30 per donation, to when he could get a team together, with a team member who understands finance, to find better ways to fund or finance this school. What do I mean? Now, according to , there is $348,993 donated by 8835 donors, as of November 29, 2016, in donations for the FDMG Academy as of the day of this posting.  With a 7.9% percentage fee plus $0.30 per donor, Umar has given up $30,220.95 to GoFundMe thus far. Why would Umar do this when he could assemble

We Need Quality Control

Alright, good African people, we need to face the bottom-line truth of it all. We need quality control in our African communities for who and what we call leaders . We need quality control in our African communities for who and what we call leadership . But, what is quality control? Quality control, in the case of Umar Johnson and other so-called leaders, means to  vet people who come before us presenting himself or herself as a leader.  To vet means to verify and check for authenticity. Vetting is not based on rumors and gossip.  It is based on facts. It also means to set aside, as leaders, those who do not meet minimum requirements, who lie, who behave unethically, and who otherwise mistreats, misuses or misleads us, individually or collectively. Now, don't get me wrong.  I am not saying that every leader has to have a doctorate degree.  I am calling for authentic leadership from people, men and women, no matter what degrees they have, or don't have, based on

State says literacy not a right in Detroit

Why isn't Umar discussing the deplorable school situation in Detroit? I'm Just Going to Ask the Questions: Where is Umar and his $700,000 of black folks money? Why didn't Umar, with all the money he says he has from donations,  buy  and repair one school building in Detroit that is sitting empty even after he's solicited people to let him know what buildings are available there in the Detroit city? How much in donations did he collect from Detroit? Why hasn't he even mentioned this egregious problem in Detroit instead of worrying about ' feminazis ,' talking about  repatriation , his  travel schedule , and addressing his 'haters'? Why doesn't Umar even bother to ACT like he gives a damn about anyone but himself?

My Personal Issues With The Conscious Community

From: September 1, 2016 by Staff Filed unders News, Opinion, Weekly Colums ( I noticed over this past year that a lot of people withing the conscious community get into petty arguments over things that aren't important, talking down on celebrities who don't speak out on black issues, colorism, sexism and it deeply bothers me. Intro :  Here are my personal issues that I have with the conscious community. Sexism - It's no secret that the most prominent voices in our community are strong and intelligent black men like Boyce Watkins and Cornel West, but for some reason when it intellectual sistas speak out out about black issues, a lot of guys within the conscious community will go on social media and the internet to try to silence them by engaging in slander, nasty comments about their hair, face, etc. I've seen this myself and it's egregious. {My insert

Fight Feminism by Opposing Sexism

From: Brothers, if you recognize and oppose the damaging impact  Feminism  has on the Black community, relations between Black men and women, and our struggle for liberation; then you need to attack the problem at its core. The core of the problem is the Sexism, abuse, and devaluing of Black women by Black men. The Black Misogynist is the White Feminist’s number one ally in the Black community, not Black Feminist, but she’s a close second. If not for the Black Misogynist the Feminis t would not have a foothold in our communities, we could focus on the larger systems of White Domination instead of having to debate about whether or not Black men are part of or benefit from the Patriarchal aspect of White Domination. Some of these Brothers out here that get mass support from the Black conscious community hate women, and Black women in particular; and we give them muthafuckas a pass. I


Umar, I'll just be direct here. Have you scrapped your plans to buy St. Paul's College? I ask that because the student center on the St. Paul's was supposedly   sold and I've heard you say that you don't want the property if you couldn't get the student center. I've also heard you ask people in Baltimore to contact you if they see a school for sale. I wonder why you put this request out in Baltimore, since there are several school buildings in your hometown of Philadelphia that are sitting empty. I have heard you say that you have upwards of $700,000 in donations. With that money, I am sure, you could buy several buildings right in your hometown...unless you're living off the money, of course. I have also hear you speaking less about Frederick Douglass / Marcus Garvey RBG International Academy for Boys and more about repatriation to Africa. I have to be honest here...because the streets are talking. Shoot, your Bailey "family,"

Umar is Making His Supporters Look Stupid

I don't know why you all are allowing this. Why are you letting Umar Johnson make you look stupid? Think about it.  You have: 1.  Allowed him to get away with not having to prove any of his claims of being related to Frederick Douglass. You all claim that it doesn't matter.  And, actually you are right.  It doesn't matter.  So if it doesn't matter, why would Umar have to lie about it? He lied about it to get you to buy in.  He knows his followers don't check things out.  Not only will you not check things out, you will get angry with those who do. I mean, damn, all any of you would have to do is go back and read The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass to see that Umar is giving you some truths mixed with muddleheaded so-called facts. But you won't do that.  In fact, you're ready to curse out and fight the ones who do read, follow up and get actual information.  How ridiculous! Remember the best lies have a grain of truth in them.

Donald Trump: Profile of a Sociopath

From: 08/03/2016 by Daniel Berger, Philadelphia lawyer, writer, journalist and book critic With the Republican National Convention now completed, the question of whether Donald Trump would "pivot" to the general election and tone down his offensive and erratic behavior has been answered:  absolutely not.  In the aftermath of his angry, delusional acceptance speech and his subsequent actions (including his recent invitation to Vladimir Putin to commit cyber-espionage and his outrageous attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan), the question of Trump's sanity from a clinical, psychological perspective much be raised. Amazingly, given his erratic behavior for more than a year, the issue of Trump's mental stability has received relatively little attention.  The most comprehensive recent discussion of this subject was in the June issue of The Atlantic.  There, a professional psycholo

Umar and His Lies...

*SHAKING MY HEAD* Umar has stated that he is related to Frederick Douglass through his brother Stephen Henry Bailey. According to Umar Johnson, Stephen Henry Bailey is the cousin of Frederick Douglass because their mothers were sisters. Umar also has said that Frederick Douglass and Stephen Henry Bailey were brothers by virtue of having the same father, a white slaveholder named Aaron Anthony. BUT... If one listens to Tarence Bailey, a verified relative of Frederick Douglass, who was born and raised in Talbot County, Maryland, he says that it was rumored that Aaron Anthony was the father of Frederick Douglass.  Frederick Douglass did not know for a fact that Aaron Anthony was his father, since ( NEWSFLASH ) rumors are not facts. Further, Mr. Bailey approached the Talbot County Historical Society, in an attempt to get in touch with the descendants or relatives of Aaron Anthony in order to get DNA testing done to either prove or disprove the family relationship between the

Umar is a Brand Now?

Umar is a brand , like Kellogg's Corn Flakes?  WOW....just WOW... Check this out from: Still, there is no information about his education, his credentials, or the Frederick Douglass / Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for Boys.  And, he is still claiming to be a relative of Frederick Douglass with no proof. WOW...just WOW... He's got some people really drinking the Kool-Aid , doesn't he?  Just be careful... Trueblackanonymous  You Tube Channel @BLKAnonymous

How "Dr" Umar Johnson Answers Black Critics

Isn't it interesting that "Dr" Umar Johnson acts a monkey-assed fool whenever he is asked about his credentials or what he's doing with the money he's collected from donations? Poor Umar...He's so sick and tired of you "dusty, Facebook, hotep, incense, shea butter assed Negros" asking him to prove what he's put out for public consumption.  After all, he's worked too hard to have to constantly prove that he has a doctorate. Really? Though, it seems to me that he should happily supply that information, since he's worked so hard to get it. Have you noticed that every person I have quoted or used their articles on this blog have posted their credentials or explained who they were?  Why doesn't he post his credentials on his websites?  Why is "Dr" Umar Johnson somehow exempt from this practice? Couldn't he have avoided all of this by simply posting his credentials on his websites ? Would you get medical treatmen