Is This What Umar Johnson Think Our Ancestors Deserve?

How dare Umar Johnson insult our ancestors with his behavior at these rat-trap bando buildings!  How dare he?  


Umar Johnson claims that if someone shows up to this so-called counter-protest at FDMG is standing with our ancestors because standing with Umar Johnson equals standing with FDMG equals standing with our ancestors.

So...let me get this right.

Umar Johnson = FDMG = Ancestors



That is some janky math, otherwise called a false equivalency.

We know that Umar Johnson doesn't respect Black people who are walking around among us today.  

I would argue that Umar Johnson doesn't even respect dead Black people.  

How do I know?

Well, he's practically made a career out of recording himself disturbing their resting places.

And since he's equated himself with FDMG to the ancestors, it seems that Umar Johnson believes that our ancestors deserve a property with buildings that are half-painted, pest and rodent infested, molded and mildewed, with falling ceilings, hanging wires, bootlegged electricity, no plumbing, no heating and air, and no clean water sitting in the middle of brown fields


Umar Johnson, in my opinion, actually hates Black people, dead or alive.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


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