B-S Translator

Leave us to ourselves and allow us to finish the mission.
Umar Johnson

From Umar Johnson's Instagram account posted on 11/4/2020

One of the many talents I've been able to hone in my blogging about Umar Johnson is the ability to detect bullshit.  This talent is quite useful, especially when it comes to Umar Johnson, who lies like the rest of us blink and breathe.

So, I will use this talent to break down the following posted by Umar Johnson on his social media accounts on November 3, 2020, I believe.  My B-S translations will be bolded and italicized.

Here we go!

From:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CHJVNcshUxS/

Dr. Umar will no longer be providing social network live updates on FDMG progress. Immature Youtubians from both the hater & fake supporter camps (If Umar was doing the right things and actually progressing, he wouldn't care about so-called haters or so-called fake supporters) are both causing undue complications by meddling in the affairs of the school (People have caught on to Umar's lies, half-truths and other deceptions).  We’ve come a long way, and are close to reaching our goal (This isn't true since there is no legal electricity, no plumbing, no HVAC, no curriculum outline, no staff, no Board of Directors, no accreditation application with the state of Delaware's Department of Education, no budgets, no FDMG website, and no application to enroll a child). However, having to constantly deal with both childish and envious coons (No one is childish or a "coon" for telling the truth or asking legitimate questions and no one with a job or legitimate business, a place to live, and a car is envious of him), thirsty for youtube fame, constantly harassing governmental and operational offices trying to gain information regarding circumstances that have nothing to do with them (Untrue, since whatever Umar is doing is under the auspices of a non-profit organization with EIN 84-5179390 and its method of operation should be public record), and are not of their personal or professional concern (Untrue, since whatever Umar is doing is under the auspices of a non-profit organization with EIN 84-5179390 and its method of operation should be public record), has gotten way out of hand. 

I’ve received numerous communications this week from various agencies (Those people, specifically those people who called the electric company and the city of Wilmington, DE are calling to find out how electricity was turned on in the building without a permit for electrical work, no inspection, and no account with the power company) who have expressed exhaustion at having to field phone calls  and questions from Negroes (This is a lie.  No utility company or government agency would tell Umar Johnson or anyone else that they are exhausted from getting questions from "Negroes" or anyone else.  This is  a blaming and shaming tactic Umar Johnson uses that he thinks will stop people from finding out the janky mess he's doing) who have no reason to be prying into the professional business nor internal affairs of FDMG operations (Untrue, since whatever Umar is doing is under the auspices of a non-profit organization with EIN 84-5179390 and its method of operation should be public record, in addition to the stealing of electricity potentially being dangerous and a hazard to public safety). This constant harassment of local bureaucracy is putting a strain on our relationships with these agencies, and is negatively affecting our ability to try and open this school for our children (This is a bunch of crap because if Umar Johnson was doing things legally and above board, he wouldn't care who called local bureaucracy and agencies.  The only reason to say this is because Umar Johnson is NOT operating legally and above board). Therefore, going forward, only those who are members of the loyal donors club will receive video updates (So, he wants people to pay for information that should be free, since he's doing this under the auspices of a non-profit organization with EIN 84-5179390, and its  method of operation should be public record). Random donors can receive updates during personal communication with Dr. Umar (So you have to call Umar and if you ask him questions he doesn't like, he's going to treat you like Michelle "Honey Brown" Jackson)

At the grand opening celebration, random donors will have the option of joining the donors only e-blast for regular updates  (So, he wants people to pay for information that should be free, since he's doing this under the auspices of a non-profit organization with EIN 84-5179390, and its method of operation should be public record). It’s a shame that so many in our community find opening an independent school for Black boys to be a cause for comedy and slander (This, again is just a bunch of crap.  People are making fun of Umar Johnson because HE puts out videos and posts that are ridiculous, slanderous, full of lies, half-truths, crimes, and other deceptions... and, yes, it is comedic only because he thinks anyone with a function brain cell believes his shittery). It’s even worse that most of those attempting to sabotage our work have no vested interest in the success of the venture itself (Umar doesn't know who is calling including former and/or current donors, in addition to supporters and/or former supporters). It’s also disheartening that even those who claim to be supporters are also engaging in this harassing behavior of stalking government agencies for information (It's not harassment or stalking to call government agencies to ask for information.  It is their job -- a word Umar Johnson is clearly not familiar with -- for which they are paid to take calls and answer questions) about FDMG just to provide content for their fledgling YouTube channels. 

For those who actually care, we appreciate your concern, and hope that you understand our decision to no longer share progress directly with the community via livestream or radio interview(Umar is still reeling from the Lord Jamar / Rah Digga interview in which Umar Johnson put his own foot in his mouth which is no one's responsibility but Umar Johnson's).

The overall translation:  Leave Umar Johnson alone so he can scheme and scam, lie and fly, duck and dodge, and stick and move in peace



Notice he posted his CashApp information, since this whole thing it about Umar Johnson getting money in addition to using and abusing people.

Shout out to the good brother Nappy Yankee.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


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