
The definition of transparency, according to, is
  1. See-through, clear piece of acetate used for projecting data, diagrams, and text onto a screen with an overhead projector.
  2. Lack of hidden agendas and conditions, accompanied by the availability of full information required for collaboration, cooperation, and collective decision making,
  3. Minimum degree of disclosure to which agreements, dealings, practices, and transactions are open to all for verification,
  4. Essential condition for a free and open exchange whereby the rules and reasons behind regulatory measures are fair and clear to all participants.

Pay special attention to number two, three, and four above and think to yourselves if Umar Johnson has been transparent.

I'll wait.

Umar Johnson, throughout this school saga, has refused to be transparent.  He has been proven to be a liar on many occasions, too many to list in this post.  Feel free to explore this blog to see a myriad of occasions in which Umar Johnson has been caught in lies.

Umar Johnson has not made public one document related to this so-called school even though he is required to by law since he is currently operating under a non-profit as listed below with the IRS.

Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Leadership Academy
Wilmington, DE

Remember he lost non profit status due to lack of reporting under the following name and EIN.

Frederick Douglass & Marcus Garvey RBG Leadership Academy
Philadelphia, PA
EIN: 46-5707643

Umar Johnson has ignored, name-called, and disrespected people who have offered him land, loans, credit repair, connections, advice, review of his (non-existent) business plan, and free services, including plumbing, HVAC, information technology assistance, and website development.

I'm sorry to say this, Mr. Lord Jamar, but you aren't the first someone who has offered a helping hand to Umar Johnson only to be screamed at and disrespected.  In my opinion, the only reason he didn't call you a nigga and/or a coon is because you are Lord Jamar from Brand Nubian.

Ya gotta love it or leave it alone.

That's not just the chorus of a Brand Nubian song.  It's Umar Johnson's philosophy --  except it's not as catchy and rhythmic coming from Umar Johnson.

Coming from Umar Johnson, it means that you have to accept his bullshit as is, even if it defies reason, logic, or common sense.  And thank the heavens above that Lord Jamar, from Brand Nubian, isn't going for it.

Because Umar Johnson is full of shit.

Thank you for the interview, Hip Hop News Uncensored.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


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