Umar, Listen to Yourself!
Umar doesn't listen. He doesn't even listen to himself. If he did actually listen to himself, he would realize how crazy he sounds. The reason he sounds crazy, in the colloquial sense, is because he contradicts himself and he says that he can do things that, at least on the surface, are patently illegal. Examples of this are many, varied, and can be found throughout this blog. However, let's summarize. Discriminatory Practices Umar Johnson wants FDMG to be an independent school, therefore not be subjected to federal law, including laws around discrimination. What do I mean? Well... Umar has said that if a woman wears a relaxer or weave, then she wouldn't be eligible to work at FDMG. I've heard Umar Johnson say that if a woman working for FDMG is wearing a hair piece or wig, even during non-working hours , and is seen by a student of FDMG, this 'offense' would subject her to termination. If someone is married to, dating, having sex, had a chil