Shut Up, Umar!

WARNING:  The post below will contain some adult language.

Just look at the image below.  It is an excerpt from an communication sent to GoFundMe by Umar Johnson.  The part that fascinates me is that Umar Johnson had the unmitigated gall to say the following:

I'm very disappointed that a professional crowdfunding platform has allowed noncredentialed random individuals, without any proof, to entice you into joining their campaign of detraction and character assassination.
Stop the shit, Umar Johnson, you jive turkey!

You took everyone's money who donated to your invisible school!  You didn't ask them if they had 'credentials.'  You didn't care.  The only paper you cared about was the paper M-O-N-E-Y!

Besides, anyone has a right to ask questions about a public campaign!  That is what happens, you idiot, when you, ask the public, in public, for money toward a cause.  It doesn't matter if the donors, or those investigating the campaign have "credentials" or not.

Besides, it doesn't take a doctorate to figure out your schemes and scams, Umar Johnson.  It doesn't take a master's degree to find out that you've lied about several things on several occasions.  The evidence of it is all through this blog.

So there!

That's exactly what has riled you up.  You never imagined that any Black person would know how to break down your scams.  You thought you were just going to walk all over the most vulnerable of our people without being challenged.  You thought Black people were just going to roll over, be quiet and allow you to shit all over us for monetary gain without consequence.

Well, you were wrong, Umar.

And if you had done what GoFundMe asked and shown proof of what you were doing with the donation money, you wouldn't be in this situation, now would you?

If you had given the people a written business plan or prospectus, instead of telling us we were too stupid to read it, you wouldn't be in this situation.

If you had handled your tax situation, you wouldn't be in this situation.

If you hadn't lied on the Bailey/Douglass family, you wouldn't be in this situation.

If you hadn't resorted to childish name-calling of people who questioned you, you would be in this situation.


If you don' t like it, then look in the mirror and thank the person who is looking back at you.

So, what I say to Umar Johnson, in my best Bernie Mac voice is to "shut what they call the fuck up.

Yeah, I said it.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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