I Don't Believe Him

To my loyal supporters only, as no one else matters to me, we are still on point, just taking care of the necessary paperwork, stay tuned...
Umar Johnson
January 4, 2019

I am really questioning the sanity of some of my people right now.  Why?  Because I don't see how on God's good earth anyone believes anything that falls out of Umar Johnson's mouth.

I mean, really?  How long has Umar Johnson been stringing people along with this idea of an all black male utopia of a school in which no child will ever be suspended?  By the way, it's not legal to never suspend a child from a school.  Federal law doesn't allow that.

How long are we going to tolerate this bullshit from Umar Johnson and those like him?  What is the purpose?  What are we, as a people, gaining by supporting, or even tolerating, scammers and shysters like Umar Johnson?

Haven't we had enough?

I call bullshit!

Let's visit Pretend World for a moment, shall we?

Let's say Umar Johnson actually had a property that all he had to do was complete some paperwork.  If there is an agreement between Umar Johnson and some realty or leasing company that has been solidified and all he had to do was work out small details and sign some papers, what would keep him from making the promised announcement on January 1, 2019?

Leaving Pretend World...

The only thing that would keep Umar Johnson from making the anticipated announcement is that the school was NEVER real.  Umar Johnson NEVER intended to make/build/create a school.  The only thing Umar Johnson intended to do was to get money from Black people, who he thinks are too stupid to question him.

And now that some of us have, he had to string us along and pretend that he had a school property all but in hand.


To make himself look legitimate and get those donations going again.  Because, you see, thanks to people like myself, Anti Afro Svengalis, Brother Lenon Honor and other Anti Fraud Warriors, most thinking people are onto Umar Johnson and his con games.

So, why do I say I'm questioning the sanity of some of our people?

Because, well, this...


An unfulfilled promise is a lie.
Lenon Honor

Why are some of us even standing with "Doctor" Umar?


Hasn't he shown us who he is?  Hasn't he shown us that there is no way he is a doctor of anything?  Hasn't he shown us time and again that he doesn't give a damn about anyone other than himself?

You would be better off standing with Satan himself, as far as I'm concerned.

We HAVE to protect ourselves from shysters and con artists.

As our good sister, Anti Afro Svengalis, says...


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. 🙌 that leaving pretend world KILLED ME!



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