End of An Era?

An end of an era?


Don't you see that Umar Johnson is lying to us in plain sight?

Not only has Umar Johnson lied year after year about this invisible, phantom school, he's lied to you about stopping his lecturing to focus on the aforementioned invisible, phanton school and stopping his hyena yelps....uh...I mean his speaking engagements.

Not only has Umar Johnson lied year after year about this invisible, phamtom school, he's lied to you about his whole African family first campaign, when he can't get along with his own father, doesn't pay to take care of his children and doxed his child's mother and the child's grandmother.

Not only has Umar Johnson lied year after year about this invisible, phantom school, he's done one canned interview after another in which the interviewers do not or will not ask the questions that need to be answered.  Really, after an estimated $1 million dollars in donations and almost 10 years, the people deserve the truth.

Not only has Umar Johnson lied year after year about this invisible, phantom school, he's attempting to be deliberately deceptive by tweeting and posting like he's looking for Black-owned security companies and Black owned construction companies, like this is how one does business.

It isn't.

Or are you just so used to Umar Johnson telling one lie after another?

Are people just so used to swallowing Umar's bullshit that they can't tell the difference between his shit and shinola?

Because, really, what is it?

After all, Umar Johnson is doing all this lying, scheming and deceiving in plain sight.  Let's face it.  The era of Umar Johnson's scamming will not end until he is behind bars.

We can all see it.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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