The Truth and Tracking Anti-Umarians

What has Umar Johnson brought about?

What is this foolishness?

How is it that Black people who dare to speak the truth about Umar Johnson labeled as the "enemy?"

Well, here it go!

Here is a man named Michael Muhammad who is hosting a radio show touting Umar Johnson as a leader.  This man:

  • Allowed Umar Johnson to solicit mail-in donations for a school that will never exist
  • Did not ask Umar Johnson the critical questions about the school such as things about insurance, accreditation, financial viability, workman's compensation, or any curriculum outline by grade.
  • Did not ask Umar Johson for any accountability for any of the money, he and others donated.
  • Did not ask what state in these United States of America is going to allow Umar Johnson to open a school.  Even if he had $1 million dollars today, no entity will allow him to open a school when he's been recorded threatening police and calling incest, rape and molestation victims "THOTs" with "THOT-ish Personality Disorder."
Yet, he says that people who do have questions of Umar Johnson and people who critique Umar Johnson are the "enemy" and should be treated as such.

But I'm wondering who the real enemy is.  Just damn...

Perhaps this is why there are idiots on YouTube who claim that they are going to keep a list of people who ask Umar Johnson questions or who critique him.  I would like to ask Mr. D Flash, on YouTube what is the purpose of keeping such a list?

You do understand, Mr. D Flash, that this might be construed as a threat, don't you?  D Flash, you may want to ask yourself if Umar Johnson, who hasn't given us much of anything besides a lot of talk, is worth a visit from your local police.

But anyway...

Let's see who the Black people are who are working to destroy Umar Johnson professionally.  They are, according to Umar:

Reactionary Multi-Culturalists

OH?  That is quite a collection of folk!  I wonder under which category TrueBlackAnonymous lands?

So this character, D Flash, is this that Umarians need to keep a list of people who express doubt, express a different opinion, or who plain ol' don't believe or trust this nigga, based on his own actions and his own behavior.

Keep track of people's screen names to do what exactly?

Oh, okay..Umar feels like Marcus Garvey because "jealous Negros" like W.E.B. DuBois tried to destroy him, too.

How on earth can anyone believe that Umar Johnson has the audacity to speak the names of Marcus Garvey OR W.E.B. DuBois?

And by the way, what in the world is there to be jealous of regarding Umar Johnson.  Let's take a short, informal inventory, shall we?

  1. A liar who has to use the name of dead folk to buy credibility.  Well, I guess dead folk can't argue, right? But guess what?  Our ancestors leave their mark here via DNA, so their descendants and relatives can argue.  Dig that.
  2. A so-called man who can't have a functional personal or business relationship with a woman.  How do I know?  Take a gander at the names he calls women-- even women who offered to assist him in starting the school.


    Then Umar Johnson makes videos lamenting the fact that the likes of Serena Williams and Meghan Markle marry white men.  Someone please tell me that mess isn't pathetic.
  3. A supposed school psychologist who gives respect to a convicted child molestor and called the child molester a "great leader."
  4. A sperm donor who can't or won't pay child support and yet claims to be about the African family.
  5. A so-called man who would put his child, his child's mother and his child's grandmother in physical danger by naming their place of business, naming his child's school, and asking people to confront his child's mother and grandmother.
  6. An individual who claims to want to build a school for Black boys with no proof of anything -- not a document, a sketch, a curriculum outline, a business plan (which he says his followers are too stupid to read and yet they applauded him), a rental agreement, a team of any sort, a spreadsheet, or a goddamned doorknob.
  7. A person who attempts to set people up, including his own father, for others to commit violence against them for the atrocious act of questioning Umar Johnson.
  8. An individual who claims to have "receipts" on what someone is allowing to have happen with his booty hole.  I'd still like to know how one gets "receipts" on what someone is doing, or allowing to be done, with his or her bootyhole.
  9. A so-called pyschologist who the State Board is debating on whether he is actually able to obtain a license to practice.  Listen starting at the 9 minute and 27 second mark.
Really, is there anything to be jealous of here, people?  Anything that is worthy of leadership here?

I don't think so.

Mr. Michael Muhammad, the gentleman who interviewed Umar Johnson, how is it that you didn't ask Umar Johnson the critical questions such as the ones listed above?  Does the mere act of asking critical questions make one an enemy to his or her people?

Please...when are you all going to...


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. “No more being nice”? Umarians were nice before? Since when?

  2. Ok, so one of his truly, "special needs" supporters are trying to keep track of those of us with functional discernment? For why?? What on earth can they do when they can not even think their way out of an outhouse? People who support Umar are "the masses". They are the pathetic sheep who will stand in line for slaughter even after seeing everyone before them parish in a horrific way....and for nothing. I was attempting to watch the video you put up today about him telling people to send him screenshots of his "hatas" comments. WTF??? What grown ass adult human being who has bills to pay, children to feed, laundry to do and toilets to scrub have time to be keeping up with another person's perceived enemies? I just could not look my child in the face and expect him to respect me or any decisions I make if I behaved this way. All the attention that our babies need from us in every area of their lives and this nigga giving out homework for screenshotting "hatas" so he can have another meltdown? Umar has a serious mental illness and the fact that people worship him allows him to inadvertently expose his lack of common sense and his small, insecure inner child is just left out there for all to see. I blame his father for all of this...Jamal knew that there was something wrong with Jermaine from the jump, but instead of guiding him into a positive and healthy relationship with himself, he ridiculed him at home while bragging about him to his friends. Just listen to the things he says..."lazy ass, sloppy boy" one with a healthy self esteem would say .18th of the crap Umar says. This is why I get tickled when he is being made fun

    1. You're right. If you have a job, bills, children, a house or an apartment to clean, food to shop for and cook, who has time to track other people's haters? Shoot, I don't hardly give a damn about my own haters, let alone someone else's haters.

      Jamal knows Umar Johnson is mentally ill. But he tries to cover for Umar. I heard Jamal wanted to talk to me. I'm not interested. I'm with Lenon Honor. He needs to come out and say that Umar was wrong for putting his granddaughter in harm's way. What kind of man!?!?


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