Umar Johnson Is An Absolute Disgrace

I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against.
Malcolm X

Umar Johnson is an absolute disgrace.  Let's face it.  Umar Johnson is downright embarrassing.  He's a disgrace to Black people all over the world.

Umar Johnson is a disgrace to the Black professionals in the mental health field.  The truth is that a great number of Black people don't seek mental health services.  And, at least in my opinion, Black folks need mental health services more than anyone 'cuz we crazy.


So, when someone, particularly a Black person, who wants to seek professional mental health services, and they run into someone like Umar Johnson who is perpetrating, lying and abusing the very people who are coming to him for help.

And then when the community is cheering, hi-fiving, co-signing, and hip-hip hooraying the abuser....think about how much damage that does to the individual and to us collectively.

Clearly, Umar Johnson doesn't have the capacity to help anyone.  He can't even help himself.  It's downright disgraceful how someone who is seeking help can be so effortlessly mistreated and lied to by Umar Johnson.

Do y'all see that?

Just damn...

Umar Johnson is an absolute disgrace to the African-centered education movement.  Umar Johnson is downright embarrassing.

There are African-centered schools all over the United States and other parts of the world, who are doing beautiful work with our children.  All Umar Johnson did was sell a dream -- a pipe dream at that -- and got between $700,000 and $1,000,000 with nothing to show for it, not even a goddamned doorknob.

An absolute disgrace...

Umar Johnson pimped the African-centered education movement to get money for himself.  Meanwhile, there are many African-centered schools that are surviving but operating on a shoestring budget that could have used even a small fraction of the money Umar Johnson collected a school and for which he has given no account.

If the people had given some of that money to a legitimate African-centered school like Ujamaa School in Washington, D.C, which has been in existence since 1968 (50 years), the year Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, that would have been a great boost to the African-centered education movement.

Umar Johnson Is A Disgrace

Meanwhile, whatever school Umar Johnson claims he wants to make/build/create doesn't exist anywhere except in his decrepit mind.  And the people have no idea where their donation money is.

Umar Johnson is an absolute disgrace to the name and family of Frederick Douglass.  Umar Johnson is downright embarrassing.

His father, Jamal Johnson, has revealed the results of DNA testing which was done on has a feature with which, if you or someone who is related to you submits a DNA sample to, and there is a DNA match, you will be flagged to let you know that there is someone who is related to you through DNA.

Jamal Johnson's DNA was NOT, I repeat, NOT found to be a match to Tarence Bailey's DNA.  Tarence Bailey is a verified descendant of Perry Bailey, the brother of Frederick Douglass.  Further, Jamal Johnson's DNA was NOT, I repeat, NOT found to be a match to Kenneth B. Morris's DNA.  Kenneth B. Morris is a verified descendant of Frederick Douglass.  Clearly if Umar Johnson's father isn't a match, neither would Umar Johnson be a match.

Umar Johnson is an absolute disgrace on so many levels.  Why doesn't he just stop it?

Give It Up!  Turn It Loose!

Let's face it!  Umar Johnson isn't treating anyone right!  So when are we going to give it up, turn it loose, and do something about it, collectively, to MAKE Umar Johnson accountable for his actions?

To Make a Donation To Ujamaa School in Washington, DC, click here and scroll until you see the donate button on the bottom-left of the screen. 

If you would like to mail a donation, the address is below.

1554 8th St NW
Washington, DC 20001

Please give whatever you can. TrueBlackAnonymous is confident that any amount you choose to give would be greatly appreciated.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Do you see the photo of Umar Johnson included with the others on the Ujamaa School’s anniversary page? Now why would this guy divert attention from an Afrikan school that has benefited black people for 50 years to shill for a non-existent school? It looks like he was casing the school for ideas. The school’s instructional leader, Dr. Zulu, was instrumental in fighting for our civil rights. His accomplishments speak for themselves. It listed the school he attended but it doesn’t focus on his degrees. Umar focuses on his degrees then gets mad when black folks want to know more about them. He wants people to feel like degrees don’t matter, but doesn’t have Dr. Zulu’s track record or similar accomplishments so that people WON’T focus on his degrees. What good is “six degrees” if know one knows the good that became of them? A man who is really interested in helping educate black children would be rallying the support from the black community to help Ujamaa School FIRST. Once he’s built credibility with the black community as a teacher there (or school psychologist as he claims to be), he would be in a better position to build his own school and actually have a real plan for it.

  2. It's a disgrace that Umar Johnson's picture is on the website of this school. The fact that Umar came to communities bragging about having six degrees then won't answer questions or show them tell me that he's full of shit.


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