Blaming His Sick Mother?

*In my best Katt Williams voice*

This nigga right here!  This nigga right here!

Umar Johnson is actually tacitly, or maybe not so tacitly, blaming his sick mother for his not purchasing a school in Atlanta.


Why would he want to suddenly purchase a school in Atlanta, if he's the primary caretaker for his sick mother who is presumably in Philadelphia.

Why would he suddenly want to purchase a school in Atlanta?

Could it be because he was talking to a radio host in Atlanta?

Umar Johnson is due to speak at the Shrine of the Black Madonna, in Atlanta, today, so he has to make the Atlanta Umarians, including the host, Michael Muhammad, believe there's a chance that the FDMG school will be located in Atlanta.


So he can boost those donations, of course.

And he's using his sick mother to do so.  Because, you see, were it not for Umar's sick mother, for whom Umar Johnson says he's the primary caretaker, Umar would have been THIS CLOSE to purchasing a school in Atlanta.


Listen to Anti Afro Svengalis break it down for you!

If that's true, I'm the Queen of England and I have a bridge in London to sell you.  Bidding starts at $5 US.

So why not purchase a school in Philadelphia, Umar's hometown, and where his sick mother is?

Because Umar is full of shit.

I know it.  You know it.  And apparently, from True Hunt from Youtube knows it, too.  True Hunt made this list which sums up my thoughts about the latest in Umarian fuckery.

Like to hear it?  Here it go!

Lie #1

How can you build & operate a school if a sick family member can derail your entire operation.  Where are your Board members, assistants, realtors that could've moved the ATL project forward... since you were seconds away from purchasing it?

Lie #2

Someone eyeballing a property doesn't make it unavailable. There is no reason why TODAY he cannot purchase the ATL school.

Lie #3

If his mother is doing well now, why does he state he's still her caretaker?

Lie #4

If "Atlanta was the spot" why didn't you give your donors any updates the way you did with the original school location? I thought just a few months ago he was in Detroit and Chicago talking about scouting locations for the school.

Lie #5

He says he MIGHT go look at the school again when he comes to ATL to visit in 2 days... oh, is it that easy to just pop into town and arrange a visit to a commercial space?

Lie #6

Who scouts for commercial properties on their own?  Isn't that something you let your realtor do? This dude is on Zillow like he's shopping for his first home.

Further, if Umar Johnson is so concerned about being a caregiver for his mother, why is he traveling to Egypt, Ethiopia and later on, to the Gambia?  Besides, who really thinks that any one in these United States of America is going to allow Umar Johnson to buy a school when:

  1. He doesn't have a team.
  2. He has tax liens and he is continuing to collect donations for a non-profit that doesn't legally exist.
  3. He is behind on child support and had to be made to pay by the courts
  4. He claims to be a therapist, psychologist, and so on yet doesn't have a license; and he's not sure if the State of Pennsylvania will allow him to have a license.
  5. He records himself coming up with "diagnoses" such at "THOT-ish personality disorder."
  6. He encourages Black people to shoot the police.
  7. He records himself ranting and raving like a blithering idiot.
  8. He records himself talking about taking 'wife resumes' during a so-called counseling session.
  9. He does not have a written plan about how he is going to establish and run this FDMG school.
  10. Claims to be a school psychologist who "shouts out" a convicted child molester.

Need I go on?

There will never be an FDMG school.  The Umarians can keep drinking the Kool-Aid if they want.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. In my Katt Williams voice ...

    "It's pimpin' the lost in the sauce of the cause pimpin', pimpin'. They gone pimp him out in that ADX, pimpin' pimpin'"

  2. His followers know he is not going to build a school because even they are not that stupid. This dude gained over a 100 pounds when he got that donation money. HIs flabby behind is now losing weight because donations have dried up. It won't belong until he is handing my food to me through the drive thru LOL!


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