
Umar Johnson is very good at obfuscation.  In other words, he has done a very good job of confusing and muddling a situation so that it becomes very difficult to understand.  However, there are people who have the patience and time to really listen to what Umar is saying...and can figure out that Umar lies, seemingly, like he breathes.

Example One

When Cynthia Johnson, on her radio interview, attempted to find out under what name Umar Johnson supposedly earned his degree, he made the discussion be about the nature of the degree and/or certification.  He was able to do this for approximately 17 minutes, thereby using the allotted time avoiding answering that one simple question.

Example Two

When Polight did the video discussing Umar Johnson after the so-called "Conscious Stripper" scandal, Umar did a video in response calling himself the "Biggest Man on the Block" and called Polight "J.J. Evans from Good Times" for deigning to offer him a contract to invest "his," oops, the people's money.  Recall that in this video, Umar claims to have placed $500,000 of the fundraiser money in a money market fund.

Both cannot be true, so which one is it?

NOTE:  I don't know much about Polight, his alleged scams, what he's doing, or with whom he is doing it.  And I don't care to know.

Example Three

There was a video in which Umar complains about having his GoFundMe account frozen because "his people," meaning Black folks, complained about Umar's fundraising activities.

Yes, according to Umar, GoFundMe told him, "your people" are complaining.  Never mind that GoFundMe keeps folks' personal information confidential in order to protect their privacy.  So, in actuality, Umar doesn't really know who complained about his fundraising efforts.  How could he?

Anti-Afro Svengalis calls it right AGAIN!

Example Four

Umar Johnson, in the interview linked here, was asked about the school.  He told the female interviewer that the school was sold, practically out from under him.  Of course, this is all according to Umar.  We have subsequently learned that the school has not been sold.  Then, he flip-turns around and starts talking about a solar eclipse and Nat Turner.

In conclusion, to obfuscate means to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy; to make obscure or unclear, or to darken.  And obfuscate is what Umar Johnson does best.

Don't let him do this to you.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Umar getting called out on a lie by a sympathetic interviewer. He is forced to backtrack by an informed interviewer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JaL83UYRWU

  2. Umar says he got that figure from an article he read in the last 30 days. Yet here he is citing that same statistic on the Breakfast Club in 2015: https://youtu.be/5rL7gnBwv_g?t=2021

  3. Umar believes the music industry is in the top 10. Yet the entire music industry (which includes white, hispanic, etc music) is only a $7 billion industry. http://www.thefader.com/2017/03/30/music-industry-revenue-growth-2016-drake-streaming

  4. The top exporting industries dwarf the music industry http://www.worldstopexports.com/united-states-top-10-exports/


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