
I will admit a few things here:

1.  I'm not an attorney.
2.  I'm not a tax expert.
3.  I'm sometimes impatient with matters that seem confusing or confounding


I have a good mind.  My instincts are good.  I've been told that I'm one smart cookie.  And I believe I'm one smart cookie, too.

However, no one is perfect, including and especially me.  So...I ask you all to bear with me as I attempt to piece this together.

Exhibit 1

A video posted on December 22, 2016 of Umar Johnson soliciting donations for a school in Baltimore, MD, posted on the MoorInfo channel on YouTube.

Exhibit 1-A

Please note the date

Exhibit 2

A video posted on August 26, 2017 of Umar Johnson soliciting donations for a school in Baltimore, MD, posted on the Black Rulership channel on YouTube.

Exhibit 2-A

Please note the date

Exhibit 3

A video posted on November 23, 2016 of Umar Johnson soliciting donations for a school in central Georgia on the 60,000,000.00 Views channel on YouTube.

Exhibit 3-A

Please note the date

Exhibit 4

Please pay attention to the weather, terrain and style of dress.  Does it look like Umar is dressed for a summer day in the middle of Georgia?

Exhibit 4-A

Please note the date

...On August 31, 2017, Umar Johnson was in Cienfuegos, Cuba.

Umar Johnson in Cienfuegos, Cuba on August 31, 2017

Also remember that Umar was supposedly in Cuba on September 1, 2017 from which he was "live and di-wreck."

Umar Johnson--9/1/2017--in Cuba

Now a LOT has happened in between December 22, 2016 and today, September 4, 2017.  A LOT.  A short list, in no particular order, includes:

Umar Johnson unleashes in the infamous anti-Sara Suten Seti rant.
Umar Johnson floating a conspiracy to keep him from obtaining a school.
Umar Johnson has a narcissistic hissy fit disguised as an apology.
Umar Johnson, in the middle of some sort of educational/counseling session, which he RECORDED, called out for 'wife resumes'.
Umar Johnson lied on GoFundMe.
Umar Johnson was found to have tax liens.
Umar Johnson had his 501(c)(4) revoked
Umar Johnson was found to be at least one year behind in his child support payments.

TrueBlackAnonymous has since learned that Umar Johnson has tax liens, likely on the personal income from is GoFraudMe, oops, I mean GoFundMe account.

You see, good, kind, decent and well-meaning people who donated, you have donated to a PERSONAL ACCOUNT not a CHARITABLE ACCOUNT, so that money is Umar Johnson's personal income.  And, as personal income, he has to pay taxes on it and chances are that he hasn't, hence the tax liens.

How much do you want to bet that most or all of that money is G-O-N-E?

I'm willing to throw out a little bit of a speculative hypothesis here in the form of a question.  Since the owner of the channel called Black Rulership has re-posted a video dated, August 27, 2017, what are the chances that the date of the video is intended to try to prove to some government entity, or even perhaps to GoFundMe, that he is really trying to use the money to buy a school?

Another question, please.

Could Black Rulership may be wittingly or unwittingly complicit in fraud.

Good people, just THINK about it.  And be wise about who you trust.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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