Why Umar CANNOT get a 501(c)(3)

Okay, you all, do you remember when Umar alluded to not having a 501(c)(3) yet, when he was dealing with PayPal?

Did Umar Johnson ever obtain a 501(c)(3)?

I doubt it.


He owes taxes on his GoFundMe money.  You see, once again, Umar's GoFundMe account is a PERSONAL ACCOUNT, not a CHARITABLE ACCOUNT.  So all that donation money our good, well-meaning people who thought that they were helping our children, simply gave Umar Johnson monetary gifts.

And, monetary gifts are taxable income.

Hence, Umar Johnson has a number of tax liens on the PERSONAL INCOME he has obtained through GoFundMe.

Therefore...he cannot open a 501(c)(3).  No one can get a 501(c)(3) when one owes the government money.

That's it.  That's all

I am so, so, very, very sorry, my good, well-meaning African people, who want to help our children, believed this charlatan, and gave Umar Johnson money for a school that will never exist.

I am truly sorry.

So, NOW, when are we going to decide that enough is enough?


I have subsequently learned that Umar Johnson had a 501(c)(4).  However, it has been revoked this year.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Umar Johnson did have a 501(c)(4). It was revoked on May 15th, 2017 for not filing the appropriate paperwork for 3 consecutive years. https://apps.irs.gov/app/eos/displayRevocation.do?dispatchMethod=displayRevokeInfo&revocationId=750768&ein=465707643&exemptTypeCode=al&isDescending=false&totalResults=19&postDateTo=&ein1=&state=PA&dispatchMethod=searchRevocation&postDateFrom=&country=US&city=&searchChoice=revoked&indexOfFirstRow=0&sortColumn=ein&resultsPerPage=25&names=Frederick+Douglas&zipCode=&deductibility=

    1. Where is Umar's team to make sure his paperwork was in order? Who is with him to make sure these things are take care of? It is, at best, sloppy business, and at worst, gives the appearance of being fraudulent. If Umar was legitimate, he'd have an infrastructure in place, like a governing board, to help him get it done, make sure his paperwork is in order, etc. Shameful.

    2. Nice work. I have records on Umar's child support.

  2. If he cannot handle his tax liens, child support, student loans, or 501(c)(4) status, how is he expected to run a school?

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