Foot In Mouth Disease

Now, I have to confess, I was not happy that Umar Johnson, once again, made it to the Breakfast Club.

However, in hindsight, with the help of another Anti Fraud Warrior, Anti Afro Svengalis, I am now able to see the value of having Umar Johnson on the Breakfast Club.

You see, being on the Breakfast Club gives Umar Johnson yet another opportunity to run his big fat mouth....

...and stick his foot in it.

Yes, Umar Johnson has foot in mouth disease.

Foot-In-Mouth Incident #1

Umar Johnson implied that he purchased the property at 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington, DE for $750,000, which is the entire amount Umar Johnson says he's collected in donations.

However, public records show that the property was purchased on February 11, 2019 for $400,000.  Of course, that would beg the question of what happened to the difference of $350,000.  Again, Umar Johnson has shown no documentation that would provide accountability for the money.

From:  The Breakfast Club on December 13, 2019

Foot-In-Mouth Incident #2

Umar Johnson said that he was a therapist.  In all 50 states, it is required to have a license to be a marriage and family therapist.

From: The Breakfast Club on December 13, 2019

Foot-In-Mouth Incident #3

Umar Johnson does not have a license to be a therapist and has NEVER had a license, according to the Board of Psychology in Pennsylvania.  Out of Umar Johnson's own mouth, he says that he never pursued a license to become a therapist.  Yet, he calls himself a therapist and has advertised himself as a therapist.  This is illegal, Folks.

From: The Breakfast Club on December 13, 2019

Foot-In-Mouth Incident #4

This one is an oldie but not a goodie.  Yes, you guessed it!  It's the ol' "I'm a blood relative" lie about Frederick Douglass.  Do I really need to say anything else about this ridiculousness?

The full propaganda display interview is Dr. Umar Johnson On American Politics, Black Unity, Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy + More linked here.

May your ears, brain and soul be protected.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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