Book of Negroes

Guess what, Y'all?

Umar Johnson has a Book of Negroes.

And all this time, I thought The Book of Negroes was a document created by Brigadier General Samuel Birch that records names and descriptions of 3,000 Black Loyalists, enslaved Africans, who escaped and fought for the British during the Revolutionary War on the promise that they would be freed.  They were moved to the area of what is now Canada called Nova Scotia as free people of color.  I also thought that The Book of Negroes was also a television miniseries that was adapted from book written by Canadian writer Lawrence Hill, entitled Someone Knows My Name.

But no...

Thanks to Umar Johnson, International Ifatunde, the King Kong of Consciousness, I learn that the Book of Negroes belongs to, you guessed it, HIM.


History and literature be damned!  The Book of Negroes is about Umar Johnson, International Ifatunde, the King Kong of Consciousness...and of course, the HATERS!

And I quote...

But I got a Book of Negroes, though.  I got a Book of Negroes.  Everybody who hatin' you in the Book of Negros.  You will never be allowed to attend any event on this campus.  I'm lettin' you know now.  Anybody who ever hated on me or the school project, your name is in the Book of Negroes.  Your name is in the Book of Negroes.  You will never, ever be allowed.  You will never be allowed to walk into FDMG.

Time:  About 10:52 to 13:10
November 23, 2019 (posted on November 24, 2019) would think that if Umar Johnson is busy building/creating/opening a school, why would have the time to even care about "haters," let alone have time to compile a Book of Negroes which seemingly is comprised of information about his "haters."

I'm not sure what is the most ridiculous:  But let's take a vote.
Yes or No Is is most ridiculous that Umar Johnson recorded himself behaving so erratically?
Yes or No Is it most ridiculous that Umar Johnson continuously prattles on about "haters?"
Yes or No Is it most ridiculous that Umar Johnson actually claims to have a "Book of Negroes"?
Yes or No Is it most ridiculous that Umar Johnson thinks that missing an 'opportunity' to walk through a mold-infested, debris-covered, hazard-ridden, hazmat-central building is a punishment for "hating" on him?

The ridiculousness abounds...and never ends. How do I know?  Well, here goes more stupid and bizarre drivel, courtesy of Umar Johnson.  Once again, I quote...

Don't forget to all my haters, I got a Book of Negroes.  I'm putting all my haters in the Book of Negroes  If y'all know anybody hating on Dr. Umar -- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter --make sure you email the haters.  Send it to  Send all my haters -- they pictures, they name, they Facebook profile, they Twitter profile, they Instagram profile, SnapChat profile, websites, YouTube page...if you know anybody hatin', I need to add 'em to the Book of Negroes.  If you know anybody hatin' on Dr. Umar Johnson, I need to add 'em to the Book of Negroes.  The way you can help me add dem haters to the Book of Negroes is to email me their information at

Time:  About 24: 48 to 26:42
November 23, 2019 (posted on November 24, 2019)

*Stage whispers* Does anyone remember Nelson Nobles?

But is it really just what I think is the typical Umarian stupidity?  Or is it something else?

Umar Johnson has an email address completely devoted to capturing information on his "haters?"


I'm really not trying to be funny here.  Yet, I have to ask if I the only one who notice the sequence of the video when Umar is half out of view.  I'm speaking of the video linked here, from about 12:21 to 13:06.  He had something in his hand.  I couldn't determine what it was.  And I'm really not trying to be funny or imply anything, but I just found it odd how he was half out of view, did something that was out of view, then how Umar was sniffing?

Just strange.  Along with how he was ranting and raving about "haters" and a "Book of Negroes," how he, again, was asking people to turn his "haters" into him, I really am concerned that Umar Johnson was high.  I don't know if he was high, but given the bizarre behavior displayed in the video that he put up, one would have to wonder.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. This man has said multiple times that he only has about 4 haters and the rest are supporters.... so why do you need a BOOK to put 4 people in? What an idiot!


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