The Similarities between Nuwapians and Umar Johnson

Adapted from:

I find it fascinating on so many levels that Umar Johnson "shouted out" Malachi Z. York, who, by the way, also claimed to be a "doctor."

Yes, indeed, Umar Johnson, a self proclaimed doctor of psychology, a child therapist, and, now, a life coach, "shouted out" a convicted child predator and child molestor.

Now, the question is why would Umar Johnson, who claims to be a doctor with six degrees, who claims he's a child psychologist, a child therapist, a school psychologist, who says he wants to build/start/create a school for children, who takes our children on tours, shout out a man who confessed to 40 counts of aggravated child molestation, 34 counts of child molestation, 1 count of sexual exploitation of children and 2 counts of influencing witnesseses.

It seems that Umar Johnson, if not a friend, is certainly influenced by Dwight Malachi York.  Think about it.  Look at the tactics Umar has used, which seem to be the same tactics used by Dwight Malachi York.

From the website shown above, those tactics include:
  • Curse The Questioner
  • Create Lies About The Questioner
  • Name Calling
  • Accusations Of Being An Agent/Police/FBI/CIA/Cointelpro
  • Lay Down Red Herring Fallacies (Deflections, Diversions, Changing The Subject)
  • Commit Straw Man Fallacies (Misrepresenting A Question, With The Intent To Establish A False Argument Away From The Original Question, And Claim That The Question Is Defeated)
  • Claim That They Have Answered But Not Actually Addressing The Original Question Presented
  • Pound Themselves On The Chest And Ask To Do A Live Debate, Rather Than Present A Substantive Argument With Visable Sources, Documents Or Evidence To Refute The Premise Of A Question For All To See

Curse the Questioner
There are plenty of examples of this.  I'll show only one.

Name Calling
Where do we start?  His "cousin," Ken Morris, looks like a "damned Mexican."  Chantall Beaty is "Miss Piggy."  Roland Martin is a "coon."  Khym Ringgold is a "maggot." His supporters are "trifling."  The 'hits' just keep going on Umar's name calling.

Accusations Of Being An Agent/Police/FBI/CIA/Cointelpro
His other "cousin," Tarence Bailey, is "an army agent" and anyone who questions him about who he is and where the donation money is likely an agent, too.

Lay Down Red Herring Fallacies
Umar's lying, particularly on entities such as GoFundMe, saying that they are robbing money from the Black community, when it's actually him who robbed us of upwards of $700,000 without explanation.

Commit Straw Man Fallacies 
Umar's fascination with folks skin color is one of the many straw man fallacies of Umar Johnson, whether discussing "light-skinned supremacy" to calling Seti an albino.  But really, what's the point of it all?

Claim That They Have Answered But Not Actually Addressing The Original Question Presented
Umar Johnson certainly did that with the sister, Cynthia Johnson, from Detroit, MI.

Pound Themselves On The Chest And Ask To Do A Live Debate
Umar's behavior in regards to Sara Suten Seti speaks for itself.

All of it is a dirty shame but I suppose that's what happens when one tries to model oneself after someone like Dwight Malachi York.


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. Only a fake hating undercover government agent would talk trash anonymously.

    1. Bullet Point #4: Accusations Of Being An Agent/Police/FBI/CIA/Cointelpro

      I get it! It's better to post on the anonymous trash talker's blog as Unknown.

  2. It's ironic I would be searching for Malachi York and Umar Johnson and found your blog after hearing You Tuber SkullDrag2 DavyJonesLocker on DaSmokeGod's LIVE. I was actually listing to DaSmokeGod LIVE the next day and had to find the video of her from the previous day on his LIVE. At about 6 hours into the LIVE SkullDrag2 DavyJonesLocker came on.


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